Morphling My Love!!!! (Not for beginners)
November 19, 2014
Pros / Cons
Ill be straight up with you. It's not hard to counter Morphling. The ability that makes him such a tough hero to kill would be his MORPH ability. His ability to pump points into strength can give you a super super hard time and nothing is more satisfying (to a morphling) then when you get out of a near death situation by using your beloved morph ability and get insane amounts of health leaving the other players scratching their heads and saying... WTF?? Another ability that would leave people scratching their head would be replicate this move allows you to create an illusion of an ally or enemy BUT NOT YOURSELF. You can also instantly teleport to said illusion. This move can be used offensively or as an escape. With all this said, what would your worst nightmare be? The answer to this would be a silence, then a gank. This will cripple you and bring you to your knees.
*****You can use your morph and replicate ability while you are stunned
My Experience With Morphling (Intro)
Hey, I've had a lot of experience with agi and strength heroes in dota. One of my favorites and top played would be morphling. In my opinon he is a great late game carry and he is super tough to kill if you have a good morphling. I do understand that this guide does seem a bit weird, but with practice you will get the hang of it.
Creeping / Jungling
The number one rule for morphling... GET LAST HITS like take every single last hit. This is because like spectre, morphling really does need his feed. I would suggest having someone like a level based support such as treant protector lane with you. After he has sufficient feed then you are free to roam and pick people off one by one.
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