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Morphling Late game Carry Build 7.22f

October 28, 2019 by 842Six
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Build 1
Build 2

Right Click Morphling (PHYSICAL)

DotA2 Hero: Morphling

Hero Skills

Accumulation (Innate)


3 5 8

Adaptive Strike

2 9 11 13 15 16

Attribute Shift (Agility)

1 4 7 10 14 17

Attribute Shift (Strength)

1 4 7 10 14 17


6 12 18


Hero Talents

+35 Strength
-40% Waveform Cooldown
-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown
+20 Agility
+75 Attack Range
+250 Waveform Range
+12s Morph Duration
+15% Magic Resistance

Morphling Late game Carry Build 7.22f

October 28, 2019

About the Hero

Morphling is a ranged agility hero that has many flexible abilities, item builds and is leveled as a very strong hard carry. He relies strongly on his attributes, and is an effective ganker. Unlike other agility carries that rely on physical attacks, he relies on his powerful abilities to initiate and shift into a state from which he can make a kill. Waveform lets him surge directly forward to a location, damaging enemies on his path, working both as a nuke or an escape. Adaptive Strike is an interesting scaling two-part ability that blasts enemies with magical water, either stunning and knocking back or dealing damage. Its power is based on either agility or strength. Attribute Shift allows him to edit his physical being, switching it from Agility or Strength, transforming him into a strong damage dealer or a tank. His ultimate, Morph, transforms him into a copy of an enemy using their stats and basic abilities.

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