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3 Votes

Morphling - 6.75 Theorycrafting

January 29, 2013 by pinballwizard96
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Laudes (1) | November 3, 2012 9:30am
I find it extremly hard to win pubs with morphlings nowadays, you need some solid support and communication to win with morphling after the nerf (IMO). IF you get into a good supported lane and can get decent farm an ethereal rush can make you stomp as hell, if not ethereal you really need to outfarm the other carries by a long shot to be able to outcarry them before 50min mark...

I've been able to get ethereal by 20-25 2 games recently, IF you get that ethereal in a decently even game, you will eventually win, even if carries get BKB (WHICH THEY SHOULD BECAUSE YOU'RE SHOTGUN MORPH!) you could kill their supports, and also 40+ agi is EXTREME! not to mention the 10+ in int/str and the ability to ethereal blast allies or yourself.

Morph is way too nerfed IMO, some nerfs are good, but the AOE for waveform and the -6 base damage is too much, 38% winrate, cent: 70-80% winrate... Lycan is the same, nerfed back to hell, except the fact lycan is extremly strong anyway, they just nerfed his jungle capacity. Now he cannot jungle so well, but so what? Just lane and use the wolves for harass/rune checking, etc(pubs that doesn't have wards) he is still around 50% winrate, which every hero that doesn't require insane micro skills to win with (meepo, but MEEPO got a INSANE buff with the scepter and I don't think the buffing will stop there, I'm sure they will buff him some more in the future)
pinballwizard96 | October 15, 2012 9:17am
wilddeonpwn wrote:

The new Morph meta from 6.75 is actually getting Agility Gain first, not waveform any more

It's can be smart to at least wait until you're at the first wave to choose, because more people in the higher bracket will go for first blood, especially with a rune and especially on the safe lane if it's not a trilane. Besides, there are heroes who deal with worse than 47 average damage, which is what Morph has level 1 with +6 agility and Waveform leveled.

Still, as I said in the guide, you can take it if you feel safe.

Appreciate the input!
mdn90 | October 15, 2012 8:44am
I was playing doom the other day and some morphling went all out morph to agi and had so little health that i was able to hit him once and then one shot him with lvl?death.
LiLPr0 (9) | October 15, 2012 8:25am
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