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I don't need help from Vlads to farm. I have soul ring, tranquils, spin and healing ward. With this build and spec you never have to go to base. How does armlet lower my gpm lol?
As to why I don't start with a recipe in inventory, I think the idea is dumb, at least for a hero like jugg. Some heroes can get away with it.
You understand your a carry right, having tranquils till mid to lategame will get you focused like a 500 hp int hero.
The only question I have is why not soul ring recipe and a ring of protection?
Basilius helps with pushing. Vlads would help you farm drastically and gives you access to woods, better than an armlet that gives you low hp and considerably does not increase your attack speed.
The Ward leveling is correct by far, a level 2 of Healing Ward Early game will give you 32 hp/sec.
But that Armlet lowers your gold per second by alot, instead of a Battlefury.