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10 Votes


April 19, 2017 by Nahmae
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SPIRITBREAKER4EVA | July 24, 2022 9:33am
Looks slow- not impressed
ICE_Xanyar | June 21, 2017 2:45am
Isnt the drum good on spirit breaker?
I personaly always go for drums instead of urns and that tends to work out for me.
Either way very nice guide +1
The Untouchable | June 12, 2017 1:03pm
I like this guide XD +1 from me. I like to play a non-support role sometimes, so I'll go with this guy. I also have some experience with him, with a random item build (MoM (I'm a fan lol) Heart, nd other stuff lol)
I'll try this tomorrow, I'm tired atm lol.
"Hmm, lost my way between the worlds for a moment."
mr.dark gouki (1) | June 16, 2016 4:48pm
Upvoted i also laguhed like maniac while reading it.realy nice guide i could read this whole day long.
GF Ranchu | April 29, 2016 11:47am
Love the guide man.
Noticed you updated with wind lace after 6.87 - another note would be that the damage received increase on MoM is only 25% now.
This makes is fantastic in my opinion.
Nahmae (1) | May 12, 2016 5:43am
Oh, thanks pal :)
Nahmae (1) | January 23, 2016 9:06pm

Thanks for the feedback!
Sorry it took a while to get back to you, I didn't see that comment at all.
If you max Greater Bash first with a point in Haste, then you're always going to have Charge maxed at 12. The only difference is the second point in Haste at level 8, which isn't really that important. Levelling up Charge only really increases the speed, so it isn't all that useful.

Helm of the Dominator is fine, I guess, but I don't really think it's as useful as other items. If you plan on building it into a Satanic then fine, but as it is you don't deal most of your damage with your standard right click attack, so you won't get many benefits from it.

Aghs is gr8, in situations.
Sp3ctr3 (4) | January 14, 2016 4:44pm
Great guide, you have my +1. Just some questions:
1- Why do you max Charge of Darkness at level 12? I mean, I get maxing Greater Bash first and the point in Empowering Haste but I think maxing Charge of Darkness is really important. Of course, I am not a experienced Baratrum player so I guess you have a good reason for it.
2- I also think Mask of Madness is a terrible item for SB, so I usually go for a Threads + Armlet of Mordiggian + Helm of Dominator build. What do you think about that?
3- Do you think Aghs is a good item, I mean I have never build Aghs in any of my games, since I usually go for a Black King Bar and a Assault Cuirass
Nahmae (1) | December 18, 2015 11:08am
Ah yes, Moonshard, Satanic and MKB, good late game carry items.
Quelling Blade also an excellent idea, I actually hadn't thought of that. Genius.
And !! that's the Dream, UltraSuperHyper
UltraSuperHyper (12) | December 18, 2015 7:42am
That Magnus guide was yours?

Whenever I play Magnus, I type in all chat 'Swiggity Swagnus, Let's Play Magnus'. Seriously that was just awesome.

Anyways, the guide is pretty good. I just have a few suggestion:
- Include moonshard as a luxury item.
- Since you think warding is nice, a casual Quelling Blade/ Iron Talon can be useful for dewarding or for like cutting down trees (especially after cancelling a charge and getting stuck in a tree. Have seen a few spirit breakers die that way in my games.)
- Town portals are never bad. I mean you can like do a ba*** deep charge and then tp out.
Primera (1) | December 18, 2015 4:40am
i think you should mention MKB as situational and satanic for very late game,otherwise this is pretty nice guide for anyone wanna try the space-cow.

Nahmae (1) | December 18, 2015 3:22am
Ahaha. Title feedback. The very best kind. I can't believe that nobody else had this, in all honesty.

I'm also pretty proud of the 'Swiggity Swagnus, Let's Play Magnus' guide name :)
ChiChi (47) | December 18, 2015 3:09am
I'm so tempted to give this guide a +1, although I don't even play/know the hero that well, just cause of its title ahah
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