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7 Votes

Molten Marrows

September 7, 2012 by Numeta
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cetanu | January 21, 2013 2:47pm
If you use Manta Style as Clinkz, the enemy will be able to see which one is you by the Searing Arrows.
Numeta (27) | September 6, 2012 3:28am
You pretty much balance farming, and killing in order to get so far ahead that it's impossible to lose.

45 sec cd / 35 sec duration of death pact. You pretty much renew you death pact off cooldown and kill a hero then farm, rines and repeat. The cooldown on strafe is not a factor of a big deal. Even engaging without strafe you do immense damage, and phase boots help you run down targets. Orb walking will supply great damage when done correctly.
SuperNova (16) | September 6, 2012 3:08am
Trying it out now, i hope this is going to be one of your good guides.
Numeta (27) | September 5, 2012 9:51am
If you manually cast Searing arrows it will remove phase buff, but if you have it on auto cast it will not.
Samurice | September 5, 2012 9:28am
Numeta wrote:

Strafe will pretty much put you at a near max attack speed, therefore additive attack speed from boots is barely noticeable. +24 damage of phase boot allows heavier burst with medallion. When you complete medallion and phase boots you just roam and 4-5 shot any hero.

Being able to phase boots around while windwalk is on cooldown is also a perk. A majority of clinkz players will keep their boots on agility, but whats the point when you have strafe? 24 damage trumps 8 damage.

And if you do in fact use power treads for the extra health it's not really noticeable unless you're being ganked, which I can see extra strength being useful.

Does Searing Arrows remove Phase if cast manually or no? I can't remember if Orb mechanics are excluded as "Spells".
Numeta (27) | September 5, 2012 8:49am
Strafe will pretty much put you at a near max attack speed, therefore additive attack speed from boots is barely noticeable. +24 damage of phase boot allows heavier burst with medallion. When you complete medallion and phase boots you just roam and 4-5 shot any hero.

Being able to phase boots around while windwalk is on cooldown is also a perk. A majority of clinkz players will keep their boots on agility, but whats the point when you have strafe? 24 damage trumps 8 damage.

And if you do in fact use power treads for the extra health it's not really noticeable unless you're being ganked, which I can see extra strength being useful.
Samurice | September 5, 2012 8:40am
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