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Well done with the guide. Lots of effort into formatting and itemisation. I disagree with some of your points so I will state them here (take no offense though, I'm pretty bad at morphling myself):
8 agi over 200 mana... Not sure. 8 agi isn't a lot and he has an excess of it anyway. 200 mana allows you to cast another waveform and comes in handy especially since you don't recommend
only one set of regen for safelane.. I suck at morphling, but even so, he's laning is sorta weak. I usually recommend two sets of regen for everyone (something my friend once told me, and so far he's been right).
But yea, it'd be cool if you have execution type chapters like one on how to properly shotgun.
Overall very well done. +1
As for level 10 talents, mana regen is more important than mana pool and 8 Agility is close to a 10% increase at that point in the game.
And with regards to execution chapters, last hitting with Morphling is pretty basic - mostly it's just accustoming to his middling-short range. I can go back and add it later, but it's a fairly minor detail and there are other things I can improve as a priority :)
I'm an un-experienced