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Mogul Khan, The Axe. [6.87] Beginner Guide For Axe.

May 10, 2016 by ethan.kneprath
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You Get Nothing, Good Day Sir.

DotA2 Hero: Axe

Hero Skills

Coat of Blood (Innate)

Berserker's Call

2 8 9 10

Battle Hunger

4 12 13 14

Counter Helix

1 3 5 7

Culling Blade

6 11 16


15 17 18

Mogul Khan, The Axe. [6.87] Beginner Guide For Axe.

May 10, 2016


Hello! This is the build I generally use on Axe. Axe's buff in 6.87 make him a very strong, a Blink Dagger paired with a Blademail make him an excellent choice for an initiator. Axe is also an excellent choice for beginners who want to learn how to Offlane. Because Axe is a melee hero, he's great at teaching positioning and spacing in-lane, and can teach a unique skill known as proxying aka creep skipping, but I'll get into that later. I hope this guide is insightful for you! feel free to ask any questions, constructive criticism is always welcome! and be sure to check out my other guides Here!


I like to get my Tranquil Boots as fast as possible. If you have the gold, or you know you may need the movement speed, grab the brown boot before any of the other parts. The Wind Lace item is also a great option for movement speed if your coffers are running a little dry. After you finish your Tranquil's, try to get a Blademail asap. Blademail is the item that makes Axe so strong this patch, before when it was activated it only returned damage taken as magic damage, it now returns all damage taken back as it's original damage type, meaning if you were to take pure damage while it's activated it will return to the original caster as pure damage instead of magic. I prefer to get a Blink Dagger as my third item, you can get it as second item if your team needs an initiator or you need survivability. Depending on the enemy team you can get either a Pipe of Insight or a Crimson Guard as a fourth item. Ff your team is dying to magic damage get Pipe, if they're dying to auto attacks get CG, I usually end up getting both but if you only think you need one of them thats fine too.


Berserkers Call

Axe taunts enemies in a 300 radius for 2/2.4/2.8/3.2 seconds, forcing them to attack him. Axe gains 40 bonus armor during the duration. Berserkers Call has a cooldown of 16/14/12/10 seconds and pierces through spell immunity.

Battle Hunger

When Axe casts Battle Hunger on an enemy unit, they are slowed by 12% and take 16/24/32/40 per second until the 10 second duration ends or they kill a unit. During the duration, Axe gains 12% movement speed. Battle Hunger has a cooldown of 20/15/10/5 seconds.

Counter Helix

Whenever an enemy attacks Axe, there is a 20% chance that Counter Helix will proc. When Counter Helix is proc'd Axe preforms a helix counter attack which deals 90/120/150/180 pure damage to all enemies in a 275 radius of Axe. Counter Helix has a cooldown of 0.45/0.40/0.35/0.30 seconds. Counter Helix pierces spell immunity.

Culling Blade

Axe spots a weakness and strikes, instantly killing an enemy unit with low health, or dealing moderate damage otherwise. When an enemy hero is killed with Culling Blade, its cooldown is reset, and Axe and nearby allied units gain bonus movement speed. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Culling Blade does 150/250/300 damage, and it's kill threshhold is 250/325/400 hp. Culling Blade can pierce spell immunity. On kill Culling Blade grants allies in a 900 radius 30% bonus movement speed for 6 seconds. Culling Blade has a cooldown of 75/65/55 seconds. When upgraded with Aghs, the cooldown is reduced to 6 seconds, increases movement speed duration to 10 seconds, and the kill threshhold is increased to 300/425/550 hp.

Short Background on Axe + Sources

Mogul Khan the Axe aka Axe is part of the Oglodi race. The Oglodi are a towering people some being known to grow to 9’ tall, have red skin, and are generally very muscular. Axe spent most of his life in the Army of the Red Mist. He was a great General, and fearless in battle, unfortunately that fearlessness was what led to him getting his entire army killed.

Sources for abilities, pictures, videos, and lore.

Ability Icons and Videos:

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