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9 Votes

Mobility Carry Tiny

September 9, 2012 by mtzgr
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ShiftingSkys | October 8, 2013 9:16am
I very Much Like this guide. It is pretty much how I play him. You should mention the heroes you DONT want to play against and the heroes you DO want to lane with. For example Centaur war-runner and Tiny. Tiny + Slardar. Tiny + KOTL etc... Kotl gives himfree mana Badly injures opponents setting you up for the kill or free farming for that Blink ormana boots whichever you prefer.
Personally I go Mana Boots Allowing for unlimited ganking into Aghanims for massive farming followed up by either Deadeleus or Manta Style. My Biggest Luxury Item is heart which I always get last.

Yes the health and regen is nice but the parts are sooo expensive where as Manta Provides excellent survivability with the Armour increase and the parts are Cheap. Very easy to assemble. The illusions are amazing for survivability as well. Imagine this combo. Avalanche + Toss + Manta style :D. When they land they take 150+X3 2 Illusions + you. So your dealing ALOT of damage. By lvl 20 You should be hitting 300 with your right click so on any non strength hero that combination is an instant KO depending on enemy heroes builds.
Venachar | January 9, 2013 1:55pm
you could try a force staff instead of the drum. That should cover all early game mana issues, extra initiation and extra save for you or team.
Faith_EquityM | October 27, 2012 4:56am
btw.. normall i picked/randomed tiny i 100% go for carry way instead of support tiny late game totally junk IMO.. dagger go double skill and run away until ur skill finished cd...
carry tiny smashing enemy carries hero like a BAWS (like father beat son)
Faith_EquityM | October 27, 2012 4:49am
i would recommend a new starting item build (stout shield , 1x salve , 1x tango , 3x branches )
this build will get some additional survivability for u and 2 set of tango isn't that good if u got harass until red hp u can straight use a salve... i believe a stout shield win a cirlet... 2 additional stat no really useful compared to a 60% 20dmg block... unless there's a babysitter along with ur lane, den u can go for circlet and enough 240mana at level 2 to gank or just wait until level 4...need some mana regen???? go 2x branches and 1x clarity instead of 3 branches
Chiefomatic | October 24, 2012 3:22am
Very nice guide! +1, I really <3 the mobility on tiny.
TehIce98 | October 19, 2012 12:58am
I would recommend a bottle for mana mainly, and some hp regen on lane in early / core items and for early game items salve, tango instead of 2 tangos. For late game a BoT should be added. I think to max Ava and Toss and get ult and 9 would be better even though this is carry tiny his bread and butter skills shouldn't be forgotten as early game that nuke is really a killer, and that will help you get your items up faster via kills instead of farm, which is something that carry tiny has and that most other carries don't have the ability to kill someone early game with just two spells.
diesalher | September 18, 2012 2:52am
+1, just the build i was looking for
wilddeonpwn (102) | September 11, 2012 3:45pm
Nice guide. I gave you a +1 keep em coming!
Wolfe Jameson | September 3, 2012 3:21pm
Renowned Carry Tiny build that will be used in pubs inspired by The International. +1

Atlas (117) | September 2, 2012 11:10am
Anyway, I love to play tiny this way. It's harder in pubs because his start is just so bad going this build, which is why pro teams pick up wisp.

Also, ever tried going mask of madness? Gives attack speed and movement. It's damned effective.
mtzgr | September 2, 2012 10:05am
Atlas wrote:

This is EHomes build. Exactly.

Yes, this is basically the same build that EHOME.LaNm used during The International. The only real difference is he grabbed Yasha before building Aghs. This is also a build that coL.TC commonly uses when he plays Tiny. I edited my parenthetical in the introduction to include LaNm.
RagingGamer | September 2, 2012 9:56am
you need Daedalus, you get to do 1000 damage and beat up morphling.
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