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Mitch's Razor

June 22, 2013 by mitcheroo
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Solomid Razor

DotA2 Hero: Razor

Hero Skills

Unstable Current (Innate)

Plasma Field

1 5 8 10

Static Link

2 3 6 9

Storm Surge

4 12 13 14

Eye of the Storm

7 11 16


15 17 18

Quick Intro to Razor

A tanky AGI hero who excels at nullifying both enemy carries and nukers. He relies heavily on positioning and armour reduction to maximize effectiveness of his spells.

Plasma Field
An AOE nuke that deals damage based on the distance enemies are from Razor, for this reason you want to position yourself so that when cast, the spell will connect with the enemy when it is at its max range (items such as Phase Boots help with positioning yourself). Razor doesn't have a particularly great mana pool though, so use this sparingly if you can guarantee last hits or harass enemies.

Static Link
Razor's defining spell. At max level this spell steals 224 of their damage and gives it back to you, this spell is ridiculous through all stages of the game and works ridiculously well with Lifesteal items (again items such as Phase Boots will help with staying close to your target). One important thing to note is that after initially casting this spell, you can use items like Shadow Blade to go invisible, while still stealing their damage. The mana cost on this spell is 40 (arguably broken), so spam it within lane to make your last hitting easier, and the enemy's alot harder.

Unstable Current
Makes you a RACECAR, also heavily punishes anyone trying to cast spells on you and removes positive buffs from them! A great spell that makes Razor very tanky.

Eye of the Storm
Razor's ultimate, this **** is insane. At max level it hits twice a second, while reducing armour each hit. That's -1 armour and 62.5 physical damage at a 0.5 second interval. The thing to really take into note is the physical damage aspect, as the damage done by each strike is affected by their current armour level, consecutive hits of your ult will mean an exponential increase in damage! This also targets the lowest health enemy within the 500 AOE, which means you want to position yourself well.
Get Aghanim's Scepter for imbalanced pushing ability (will cause the ultimate to affect buildings) and 3 strikes a second.

Items, and why you're building what

Phase Boots
-Allow movement through units and a temporary speed boost, which is enough to keep you in range of the enemy when casting Static Link
-Gives +24 damage which compliments your Armour Reduction strategy

Medallion of Courage
-Gives you mana regeneration to spam your spells
-Gives armour when it isn't casted
-Reduces enemy armour when casted to compliment the damage stolen by Static Link

-Gives Razor the escape and initiation that he naturally lacks
-Deals bonus damage in form of physical damage, complimenting our armour reduction strategy
-Static Link will continue to drain damage regardless of whether you are invis or not, meaning that the enemy won't know which direction to go to break the link, or have you to target with stuns

Sange and Yasha (to be disassembled into Heaven's Halberd and Manta Style
-Stats given by this item are great and have been buffed more and more in recent patches
-12% movement speed goes very well with your passive
-Greater Maim slows your targets as you beat them down

Helm of the Dominator (to be built into Satanic)
-Allows you to stack ancient camps to be farmed later with Eye of the Storm
-With a fully casted Static Link you're hitting very hard, which means you're getting alot of health returned back per hit

Heaven's Halberd
-Gives 25% evasion from physical attacks, making you very tanky
-Allows you to prevent an enemy hero from attacking when cast upon them

Manta Style
-Gives good stats
-Two illusions of yourself that are very tanky and possess your passive ability

-Gives 100% lifesteal on attack when activated (now imagine yourself healing back 400 health with every hit)
-Gives you lots of Strength, contributing to tankiness

(Optional) Black King Bar
-While you are naturally good against spells, many stuns on the enemy team can bring you down and cause you to not get a full drain of Static Link, etc.
-Build this item if the enemy have annoying spells or lots of lockdown

How to DOMinate

First of all you want to try and secure the middle lane for yourself. Make sure someone else gets a courier! For starting items you want to get basic regen (a set of tangoes and one salve) and 3 Ironwood branches for quick, cheap and effective stats (we won't build these into anything though). You will notice that you have 254 gold leftover, this gold will go towards quick Boots and the Medallion of Courage. Farm middle lane and be sure to contest runes every 2 minutes (starting at 0:00).

Once you have reached Level 7 (hopefully you have your Medallion by now, aswell as are carrying a TP scroll) it is time to gank. Gank by signalling to your teammates, then either moving through the river or TP'ing into a lane. In the early game you want to gank by activating your ultimate, then surprisignly/stealthily getting in range of using Static Link, at this point with Static Link started, use your Plasma Field and keep at a distance from the enemy that will maximise damage of Plasma Field, but not break Static Link. By now you should have had a good amount of damage stolen, target Medallion of Courage on the enemy and proceed to beat the **** out of them. With hits from your ultimate aswell as yourself the enemy should melt with all the Armour reduction on them. Continue ganking and farming to achieve your Shadow Blade.

Into the midgame, ganking with a Shadow Blade will be slightly different, the best method to use is Ultimate>Plasma Field>Start Static Link>Follow target for a few seconds while attacking>Use Medallion>Use Shadow Blade>Follow target closely while still invisible, then at the end of Static Link break invis with an attack
This combination will maximise your damage as breaking invis with Shadow Blade means an extra 150 physical damage ontop of your attack, which will all be amplified my Medallion.

When you have finished your Helm of the Dominator, dominate a large jungle creep and use it to stack the ancient jungle camp on your side. After 3 or 4 stacks farm the stacked camp with your ultimate and Medallion anywhere up to 1000 gold within 60 seconds.

Into the lategame use your Static Link to drain the enemy carry's damage for yourself. Use your ultimate in teamfights and tank spells for the rest of your team if need be. Remember to use your Medallion every time that it is off cooldown!

If you have been successfully farming and winning fights, disassemble your Sange and Yasha, and with the gold earned build into the respective Heaven's Halberd and Manta Style. If you still have remaining gold pick up Boots of Travel. Your final item to finish should now be Satanic.

Remember to always carry a TP scroll too! (up until you have Boots of Travel)

Enjoy Dom! Good luck
- Mitch

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