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Since you don't get a bottle you will have a hard time after 2 min (as soon as your opponent as bottle). I do think that you will get harrased in mid. Actually I guess Qop or Tinker or Zeus will nuke the **** out of you. So I would not go for Lifesteal (at least early), because you will get it to late for "Regen" and you will constantly have to go near the creeps and autoattack. PMS still isn't too great (you aren't melee and you don't dive towers or something).
I also don't think that early lifesteal is a good option to play Luna. I'd rather go Tranquils->Aquila->Drum->BKB->Lifesteal->Treads(to replace Tranquils) if playing lifesteal. BKB is almost necessary in every game. The whole problem with this is that you won't be able to stack ancients yourself before getting HotD, which is awesome to do with Luna. But you can go into jungle with Tranquils (just not that long, but lane gives more gold than jungle for Luna), if this is why you get early lifesteal.