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3 Votes

Mirana The Right Way

January 10, 2012 by LightKerosene
Comments: 3    |    Views: 38249    |   

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Greatness#169811 | January 11, 2012 8:11pm
Don't like the guide at all. First off you level max arrow first which is a no no. You are putting all your nuke damage in a skillshot that will only hit one enemy. With starstorm you can harass the enemy while getting creep kills if needed. If you hit a 4 or 5 sec arrow it is almost for sure you will get a hero kill if someone else is with you. Leveling starstorm also helps farming drastically as long as you have some sort of mana regen. I recommend making linken's sphere for mana regen, stats and survivability. I could keep correcting stuff but I would just consider removing this guide.
Plasmodium (13) | January 10, 2012 9:01pm
Great guide! I think the pros/cons would be better at the higher end of the guide. Maybe make a note stating if your farming well, go for manta instead of S&Y, since manta is better for the stats, and overall will give more damage, and gives you a great dodge as Ham stated above.
HamSandwich (34) | January 10, 2012 9:14am
When you're suggesting a build that involves a lot of stats (Treads/Skadi/Butterfly) and critical strike, why not build Manta Style instead of Sange and Yasha? Although it costs a little more, Manta Style gives better stats, provides more damage and also gives the Mirror Image spell which allows you to dodge projectiles or push lanes.
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