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4 Votes

Mirana in 6.88 - Best Aghanim's in the Game

August 7, 2016 by Potmbestherodota2
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Slabomyslny | August 22, 2016 12:33am
I can agree with only 3 items You offer for Mirana. Aghanim - a must, but only partly because of fighting abilities and mostly bc of supreme farm boost. Dont get me wrong, by "farm" i dont mean going afk, farming creeps, but moving quickly between lanes and clear stacks off in an eye-blink. Which would otherwise cost some valuable time!

Ethereal: very good to counter melee hardcarries and finish off low hp enemies.

Linkens: a bit of everything, but most importantly improves fighing abilities against carries with single disable spell. (Sven, wk, etc).

Dagon is a noob item on Mirana on so many reasons. The main would be: Mirana is so much more than just a glass cannon. You should always be thinking what You gonna do AFTER You have leaped in and casted Your spells. Additionally, it Dagos build makes You so much more invulnerable against blademail heroes. Butterfly is SO MUCH better. It also improves burst damage a bit from Ethereal, but also grants You 30% fight ability against physical attacks and makes escaping easier especially combined with linkens.

Manta Style: is given a recommended item on Mirana for a reason. Manta can dispell negative buffs, also gives speed of every kind. But more importantly, is a very flexible item. It can be used for strong carry build with Monkeys. Or mana draner with diffusal. Or fast pusher with desolator.

And of course boots... You should be buing bots only in very late game, where its all about suggessful fight / buyback and fast push. During other phases of game You lose so much if dont buy phase boots.

Ideal build Mirana for most cases: Phase boots, Aghanim, Ethereal, Butterfly. Situational: Linkens, Manta Style, Monkeys, Desolator, Scythe.

Finally skill tree: how is that logical to wait with leveling arrow until level 12? Arrow is one of the best spells - long stun, well scaling damage and flat mana cost!! The damage difference between level 1 arrow and level 4 arrow is 310, and You suggest to delay with such a wonderful burst until almost mid-game? Whaaat!? As if You dont believe Yourself You are gonna hit any...
meromeofbacca | September 8, 2016 2:28pm
The reason why Dagon is such a good item on this kind of mirana is because mirana's job in fight is to burst with magic damage. Ethereal Blade, double Starstorm, Dagon, and Arrow usually finishes or almost finishes the job on any hero. The con of going butterfly is that you don't have as much burst potential without Dagon. If you want damage, then just go the damage build. Going aghs is a great splitpush and farming item as well as making her a nuker, but after if you decide that you need damage freely go the damage build. IF you feel that you need to do more in teamfights then adjust your item build, but your main role in teamfights is to burst someone down, if you do that you have done your job. If you build accordingly, Mirana shouldn't be too much of a glass cannon. With Leap and Linkens you should be able to Blink burst someone and leap out. You don't even need to jump in, you can do it from a distance. The skill tree maxes Leap before Arrow because it just scales a lot better than Arrow
Pl3b (2) | September 24, 2016 10:18pm
personally i beleive mirana is most effective a glass connon burst hero, which is why ill usually go blink after aghs, then etheral, and if the game goes later dagon or another situational item, perhaps even shiva's.
Slabomyslny | September 14, 2016 9:39pm
Sorry, but thats typically egoistic approach of low-mediocre players. OKAY, you jump in, you cast your double starstorm, empowered with ethereal and dagon. And then what? Games are decided with 2-3 team fights, not some random solo kills (that help to change balance tho).

Right mindset for team oriented Mirana would be. Arrow into crowd controller, leap in, kill lowest hp support / low hp agi with starstorm + ethereal. Then get back a bitinto shooting distance and continue fighting. Miranas that build Midas, then Dagger and Dagon... OMFG, how much money that is! This is not effective, because Mirana is still not among the best late carries. Your right owning time is before those extra 7000 gold, You suggest to waste.
Slabomyslny | August 22, 2016 12:20am
Sven´s Aghanim is way better, but most Svens are too egoistic and ignorant to build it. Omni´s Aghanim is also well comparable.
ErpelHaze | August 10, 2016 1:45am
Nice guide, but what you said is what everyone can figure out after watching a pro game.
If you want to take it to the next level, you should include a strategy of how to split push (basically how it's done properly with POTM), how to use her when the enemy team is playing 5-man dota all the time and how to separate the team from their allies?!
meromeofbacca | September 8, 2016 2:29pm
If the team is 5 manning you just splitpush all game until you need to fight and apply pressure on their towers.
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