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23 Votes

Mightycookie's guide to windrunner

August 19, 2013 by mightycookie
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masterdebater (1) | June 9, 2013 9:46pm
idiot94 wrote:

very indepth

Yea pretty in-depth on self explanatory ways to play the hero. How about you and mightycookie both step it up a summit from the basic elementary level and get on my level. But I guess your name implies you're an idiot.
masterdebater (1) | June 9, 2013 9:33pm
Jesus my lord and savior, please let thou be not a mightycookie on my team as I walk down the valley of shadow and darkness. The lord be'est my shepherd, I will fear no mightycookie as he ****ing sucks virgin **** at this game. May he be on the enemy team where I can take a massive **** on him. ****IN-AMEN. Dotagod knows whats up, ###PREACH####
mightycookie (5) | March 7, 2013 11:30am
p0wer4ward wrote:

Landing a shackleshot as described above would truly be glorious. However, I cannot imagine a scenario when this would actually be possible. The question here is not about a player's skill; how quickly one can forcestaff a creep and then land a precise shackleshot to snare both the creep and the hero attempting to flee. The question is about mechanics.

Keep in mind that forcestaff pushes the target in the direction that they are facing. When you are chasing someone who is running away, and creeps aggro you during the chase, the creeps will be facing towards you. The creep will be facing away from the opponent. Therefore if you were to push the creep with forcestaff they would be pushed towards you and away from the opponent, making said glorious shackleshot impossible.

hey, ill create the scenario for you, you are chasing a viper, viper has magic resistance so powershot wont kill her, you are chasing her past tier 1 tower (it has been destroyed), you have phase and a force staff, suddenly, wild creep wave appears, aggros on you, but you are faster than them, so once you are getting past them, they turn to chase you, while they are turning, you force one of them and immediately throw a shackle, if you are lucky and you managed to do it correctly, viper will be in front of the creep and shackle will get viper to, TA DA you just made a dotacinema top 10 worthy play.its very hard, but its possible
p0wer4ward | February 28, 2013 11:40am
mightycookie wrote:

also, when using force staff remember to not only forcesatff yourself. there have been times where I'm chasing one ******* and just cant land the shackle. creeps aggro on me and i force one of them and shackle the creep with the hero behind it. Truly glorious.... let me know how it goes.

Landing a shackleshot as described above would truly be glorious. However, I cannot imagine a scenario when this would actually be possible. The question here is not about a player's skill; how quickly one can forcestaff a creep and then land a precise shackleshot to snare both the creep and the hero attempting to flee. The question is about mechanics.

Keep in mind that forcestaff pushes the target in the direction that they are facing. When you are chasing someone who is running away, and creeps aggro you during the chase, the creeps will be facing towards you. The creep will be facing away from the opponent. Therefore if you were to push the creep with forcestaff they would be pushed towards you and away from the opponent, making said glorious shackleshot impossible.
idiot94 | February 18, 2013 1:43am
very indepth
Wulfstan (77) | January 20, 2013 10:29am
Pipe is gotten by offlane heroes.Windrunner is an offlane hero.Therefore,windrunner can get pipe and decently use it.However mekansm is more oftenly seen on her.+1
mightycookie (5) | January 15, 2013 8:27am
GGnet.Ace wrote:

you should add pipe and blink dagger on possible item builts.Blink sets you up for the perfect position of shakleshot.Mention Something about Windrunner gods:YYF and Chuan and also dont forget to say about Light of Heaven.
I think its a pretty good guide.

Hey, thanks for coming by pipe is often left for tankier heroes that really need the regn . And windrunner needs a bit more damage and mana. With forcestaff gives. Also forcestaff is a reliable escape machanism.
About the god. Dont forget dendi, he plays a great windrunner
GGnet.Ace (4) | January 15, 2013 6:14am
you should add pipe and blink dagger on possible item builts.Blink sets you up for the perfect position of shakleshot.Mention Something about Windrunner gods:YYF and Chuan and also dont forget to say about Light of Heaven.
I think its a pretty good guide.
mightycookie (5) | January 11, 2013 7:00pm
sunday, i meant sunday. the thing is, i already finished my next guide and cant wait to upload it
mightycookie (5) | January 11, 2013 11:23am
guys, check out my last blog post, it basically says that i will be making a guide every monday. see you in 2 days!!!!!
mightycookie (5) | January 10, 2013 8:04am

It really is amazing what kinda of things you can do with a force staff. Much like bloodseeker, who ultis you and then force staffs you to death, the creep shackling thing is propably awesome but damn difficult to land! Ill make a point and add you oh great and powerful master! lol

Off subject, do you have any other guides in the making, I would enjoy your view on other supports heroes as well. Carries bore me...

ummm yeah i will make more guides, carries do bore me too, except mortred the phantom assassin, its just awesome to one hit a hero....
i will make guides about agrressive supports/gankers and semi carries like mirana and templar assassin. in fact i kinda want to make a templar assassin guide in a few days...
this page should really have something like a subscribe option cause there are people that make lots of good guides but its kinda hard to know when he made a new one. like peppo opaccio or whatever.

continue your training my young padawan for the day will come when the apprentice overcomes the master....
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