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8 Votes

Mightycookie's guide to Lina

March 9, 2013 by mightycookie
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blackvitriol | March 22, 2013 8:44am
As a newbie, I learned a lot from this anyways, and was also a good read.
Furthermore, this is the Internet, grammar does not matter here. It's all for the lulz.
mightycookie (5) | March 9, 2013 7:58pm
No Bear No wrote:

furst off id like 2 say that i love wen people type guides liek this. and then they dont bother to build the hero correctly or give the correct info on items and skills, for example i put that LSA has a stun duration of 1.5 even though its 1.6

These builds are beyond bad, and they usually only include 1-2 items. No one wants to see anymore of your ****ty guides you probably threw together in 5-10 minutes, try focusing on getting one of them right. Also:

"-can summon a BADASS ***********ING DRAGON!!!!!!!
-'nuff said"

" Finally, she is a girl with very fast hands, once she gets heated up. (if you know what i mean). And ends her session with a giant blue ****** that will fry your brains out...... but don't let that cool you off. She is a girl that likes Pina coladas, and go dance in the rain."

Everytime I see **** like this I feel like I'm responding to a little kid, also LSA should be maxed out not left until level 23 as the mana cost is lower than DS and CD is lower. Guides like this give me a good laugh at least

Oh I forgot you need a Tango + Salve as starting items, not two tangoes, you need a burst 400 health heal as well as a gradual heal, even new players know this.

did you even read the guide? you know there is more then one build right? if you want i can write a big *** wall of text for people, i write some stuff that has nothing to do with it because it entertains, and besides, my other 2 guides are among the top rated for their respective heroes....
No Bear No | March 9, 2013 7:30pm
Nubtrain wrote:

Here's some constructive criticism, improve the guides you've already wrote instead of making scheduled guides. You didn't mention the trick with Lina or at least gave a good explanation on doing so and the guide is overall lackluster. What I thought you were going to do was work on a guide for a whole week (maybe an hour or two each day) and release it but this is stuff you can write in about about an 1hr/30min or less.

Add some pictures or videos to illustrate what you mean, if someone else wrote the same content as you but provides pictures/videos etc to help visualize what they're trying to explain, I'd chose that other writer.

I'm not saying you shouldn't write anymore guides but was hoping that you improve the ones you've made and THEN make more guides. I'm always finding new ways to format in my unpublished guides to make it visually appealing to the readers and although I'm pretty damn lazy to update my guides, they're always updating.

I prefer quality over quantity :)

This reminds me of those french bots that spammed a bunch of ****ty guides for mass advertising that didn't even explain anything, just pretty much listed the recommended items.
No Bear No | March 9, 2013 7:29pm
furst off id like 2 say that i love wen people type guides liek this. and then they dont bother to build the hero correctly or give the correct info on items and skills, for example i put that LSA has a stun duration of 1.5 even though its 1.6

These builds are beyond bad, and they usually only include 1-2 items. No one wants to see anymore of your ****ty guides you probably threw together in 5-10 minutes, try focusing on getting one of them right. Also:

"-can summon a BADASS ***********ING DRAGON!!!!!!!
-'nuff said"

" Finally, she is a girl with very fast hands, once she gets heated up. (if you know what i mean). And ends her session with a giant blue ****** that will fry your brains out...... but don't let that cool you off. She is a girl that likes Pina coladas, and go dance in the rain."

Everytime I see **** like this I feel like I'm responding to a little kid, also LSA should be maxed out not left until level 23 as the mana cost is lower than DS and CD is lower. Guides like this give me a good laugh at least

Oh I forgot you need a Tango + Salve as starting items, not two tangoes, you need a burst 400 health heal as well as a gradual heal, even new players know this.
GGnet.Ace (4) | February 24, 2013 7:20am
-her ulti brings a temptation to KS
that made me laugh :D
Mirror (22) | January 29, 2013 3:53pm
For the omni vs ogre my vote it OMNI KNIGHT
p0wer4ward | January 22, 2013 12:37pm
Please don't be offended but I liked your other guides much more than this one. The other ones (especially the Templar Assassin) were more polished and this one looked rushed.
Captain Already | January 22, 2013 12:47am
mightycookie (5) | January 20, 2013 3:48pm
Wulfstan wrote:

The idea is that you will probably die before even attacking 5 times,because your armor is so low and you are squishy,you gain 2.9 armor for 3.3k gold instead of gaining 30 int and 15 armor for +1.5k(aproximatively)from Shiva's Guard.

I ain't here to hate you,you saw,I had no problem with your guide to TA,it was good,but this one just lacks something that the templar assasin one had.Also,AFAIK,we are in a free world,and a human being can express himself freely.If I don't like the content,I will point it out.If I like it,than I upvote it and congratulate you.

if you die before being able to attack 5 times, you are doing something wrong, lina is not an initiator. thats why you get or blink dagger or force staff. it allows you to position yourself well. there are much squishier heroes than lina, its all about positioning. i know what you are saying, take into account that this is semi carry lina and that diffusal is one of the options. and works well with her passive. and shivas is in there as one of the options
Nubtrain (58) | January 20, 2013 3:25pm
Here's some constructive criticism, improve the guides you've already wrote instead of making scheduled guides. You didn't mention the trick with Lina or at least gave a good explanation on doing so and the guide is overall lackluster. What I thought you were going to do was work on a guide for a whole week (maybe an hour or two each day) and release it but this is stuff you can write in about about an 1hr/30min or less.

Add some pictures or videos to illustrate what you mean, if someone else wrote the same content as you but provides pictures/videos etc to help visualize what they're trying to explain, I'd chose that other writer.

I'm not saying you shouldn't write anymore guides but was hoping that you improve the ones you've made and THEN make more guides. I'm always finding new ways to format in my unpublished guides to make it visually appealing to the readers and although I'm pretty damn lazy to update my guides, they're always updating.

I prefer quality over quantity :)
Wulfstan (77) | January 20, 2013 12:38pm
mightycookie wrote:

is it a problem? Also whats the point of diffusal? Gives you a mana burn, with the huge attack speed you have. Also, it gives agility and intelligence. Agility give more attack speed and armor
Also, people come her for the facts. They wan to learn how to play heroes and get ne ideas. So if people can understand my guide, i think its pretty ****in correct.

The idea is that you will probably die before even attacking 5 times,because your armor is so low and you are squishy,you gain 2.9 armor for 3.3k gold instead of gaining 30 int and 15 armor for +1.5k(aproximatively)from Shiva's Guard.

I ain't here to hate you,you saw,I had no problem with your guide to TA,it was good,but this one just lacks something that the templar assasin one had.Also,AFAIK,we are in a free world,and a human being can express himself freely.If I don't like the content,I will point it out.If I like it,than I upvote it and congratulate you.
mightycookie (5) | January 20, 2013 11:06am
Wulfstan wrote:

Can you at least write it gramatically correct?All your sentences should start with an upper case letter.Also,in the carry build,what is the point of Diffusal Blade?Giving you agility that Lina does not use anyway?

is it a problem? Also whats the point of diffusal? Gives you a mana burn, with the huge attack speed you have. Also, it gives agility and intelligence. Agility give more attack speed and armor
Also, people come her for the facts. They wan to learn how to play heroes and get ne ideas. So if people can understand my guide, i think its pretty ****in correct.
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