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4 Votes

Mid Slark

September 11, 2013 by Aesire
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Aesire | December 9, 2013 8:22pm
They nerfed slark so hard .-.

(This build no longer works...Lifesteal and EoS don't work anymore, his Ultimate is really nerfed..all in all he lost his ganking potential, Thanks Icefrog.)
Aesire | September 27, 2013 12:00am

Thank You :)
samukobo (28) | September 25, 2013 5:15am
hjvaughan wrote:

Wait, excuse me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think that you could have EoS and Vlad's :/

EoS stacks with lifesteal orbs.

Besides, vlads isn't an orb anyway (aura based lifesteal) so it can stack with everything so long as you're melee.
hjvaughan (4) | September 25, 2013 5:06am
Wait, excuse me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think that you could have EoS and Vlad's :/
Aesire | September 12, 2013 9:25pm
Ancient Hero wrote:

A DD can easily let them harass you out until you have ur ulti up. Invis rune can set up a combo as well and regen is a free trip to fountain. They do matter a good amount in laning.

hug the tower with them tangoes :3

see, just thinking you can kill someone easily early game with DD gets you killed. Ive killed plenty of heroes who thought they could kill me and run away from the tower, Rarely did they succeed and ended up running from the tower before dying a distance away.

Also...Pouncing idiot heroes who are too close to the tower without creeps is funny, because they cant run away but they still try :)
Ancient Hero (17) | September 12, 2013 5:50pm
A DD can easily let them harass you out until you have ur ulti up. Invis rune can set up a combo as well and regen is a free trip to fountain. They do matter a good amount in laning.
Aesire | September 12, 2013 4:40pm
Ancient Hero wrote:

Slark cant deal with puck that well either if he knows what hes doing. Silencer prevents you form getting the combo as well.

Those mids will bottle crow, you cant harrass them and slowly lower their HP. And if they get rune control, its even worse for slark.

That is true, I Really don't care if they get a rune mainly because the runes will barely help them. I dont really mind the bottle crowers...Silencer is a pain in the ***, sometimes you get lucky and use dark pact during team fights :3
Ancient Hero (17) | September 12, 2013 12:08pm
Slark cant deal with puck that well either if he knows what hes doing. Silencer prevents you form getting the combo as well.

Those mids will bottle crow, you cant harrass them and slowly lower their HP. And if they get rune control, its even worse for slark.
Aesire | September 12, 2013 5:43am
Metalpii wrote:

If you run this Skill build, I would definitly recommend you to get a bottle. If your support keeps warding runes, you can easily get every rune thanks to your passive & pounce if really needed. If you're facing a qop, storm, destroyer or puck, you will have a HARD time I think.

qop and OD are the 2 of the only heroes you should be worried about because od steals Mana and qop escapes leashes, but they are also very easy to harass and kill quickly if you size them up and slowly lower their health.

I would personally never get a bottle because its a waste of 603 gold in the early game for slark.
Metalpii | September 12, 2013 3:13am
If you run this Skill build, I would definitly recommend you to get a bottle. If your support keeps warding runes, you can easily get every rune thanks to your passive & pounce if really needed. If you're facing a qop, storm, destroyer or puck, you will have a HARD time I think.
Aesire | September 11, 2013 5:30am
hm, This Guide is incomplete, I will finish it. and Talk more about what to do for different kind of heroes and also how to Juke 5 Players.

My Steam name is AEsir (AE is combined)
samukobo (28) | September 9, 2013 4:49am
The skill build is valid, of course. At least in the early game, medium damage that can be done instantly/semi instantly is better than large damage that can be dealt over time. So overall, if you do want to kill, the pact pounce build will work best. But there is still the fact that you gain overall more advantage with 1 level in Essence Shift on level 3 or 4, and if you want to kill, you're not going to do it against your mid opponent anyway because it is difficult and risky by yourself. If you were searching for kills as mid Slark, then you would search for it in the side lanes, where you have backup. (which gives you enough damage from your allies that can justify the slight lack of burst damage)

My biggest point in my original post is the strategy of purposedly going back to base. That is wrong. It's not for mid heroes, it's not for any hero (except Tinker, but he's the only exception), it's not good.
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