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3 Votes

Mid lone druid? lolwut.

April 8, 2012 by benjaminscott
Comments: 2    |    Views: 9171    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Lone Druid

Hero Skills

Gift Bearer (Innate)

Summon Spirit Bear

1 3 5 7

Spirit Link

8 9 12 13

Savage Roar

2 4 10 14

True Form

6 11 16


15 17 18

Mid lone druid? lolwut.

April 8, 2012


Alrighty folk. Here is where you all go, "omgwtfbro druid isnt a mid." That is where you are wrong. #1 he is at his best mid. #2 i can outplay almost any hero mid with him. #3 not many characters can counter him. "druid jungles brah" Ok true he can jungle fine. But does that mean that is where he is best? no. honestly he jungles wayyyyyy too slow to be any use. and the only time you can really gank good is when you have lvl 3 bear. and even then its a random chance to entangle.

Alright. So this is my guide on how to carry a team like a boss. and yet also manhandle mid. Keep in mind playing druid mid takes skill though. Its not "highlight both units and issure the same orders" No. you have to be able to do split commands.

He carry's like crazy.
He tanks like a boss.
He does a ****load of damage.
His bear is basically another hero.
He can roshan at 15-20 min mark by himself.
he farms like crazy.

Hes a tough hero to master

Druid himself.

So here goes the build in detail. Starting items are just like i said. Why nothing for my bear? i will tell you why in his section.

starting to 15-20 minutes :

You really need to focus on last hitting and denying. Which is quite easy with druid because of the fact he actually has a bear along with him to do more damage. If you are skilled enough and fast enough you could in theory deny and last hit at the same time. Of course whenever you get a chance to get a few harass's on the enemy hero... get'r done. the majority of this phase you will be just controlling both at the same time. Now when the time comes. and lets say your being chased and need to run away, tell druid to run while you have your bear continue to attack said hero. If you bea is lvl 3 it has a chance to entangle and let you do some pretty good damage at those early levels.

Items for this period.
you first buy. 2 boots and instantly start on vlads for your bear. Once that is finished begin on your boots of travel.

*note* if you manage to kill the enemy tower and dont want to be caught pushing too far. Use your bear to take the ancient spawns and farm them in between waves.

15-20 minutes to late game :

Alright by the time you should have been able to take out a very good chunk of the enemy tower and or destroyed it. You also should have farmed enough for vlads and boots. Posssivly even boots of travel. If you atleast have vlads then you are able to roshan no problem. Now what you want to do is send your bear in ( almost right ontop of him so he is closest ) that way roshan will target your bear and not yourself. and just wack away. keep farming. and pushing lanes for the win.

Also a tip. when you push onto a tower switch to bear form and throw on the damage buff. Now i normally roll in bear form almost all game from about the point i have 2-3 levels in my synergy. Why? becuase the added attack speed and damage buff... duh.

*note* since you have boots of speed on yourself i highly suggest that when the enemy team pushes you tele to the nearest wave to thier base and push it yourself. Most of the time it makes them back off and you also get soem free wacks at they're base. Sounds good eh? And if you have atleast one hyper stone and sanage and yasha you can out push almost 3 heroes.

The Other hero. aka The bear.

this mofo is your strongest point. Hes a tank. hes a good disabler. Hes a awesome base rapist.

Most of you will look at my guide and go. wtf why no stout shield early game and vangaurd later. Well i will explain it now. reason why i do not get him shield is because if done right he wont take too much of a beating early game. and if he is ever too low on health just use summon bear and he will be resummoned with full hp. Why not vanguard later? Well it can be done if you want. But my games NEVER last long enough for me to even get that second sacred relic or hyperstone.

Now with your bear i dont start buffing him until i get boots of travel and sange and yasha on druid.

Ites for your bear.

vlads. Very important. It allows you to roshan early and gives yourself some life steal. Hyperstone, i usually turn this one into mjollnir then a sacred relic. You can turn this into radiance if you like. and the rest of my build just falls into place.


If you have any questions i did not answer please leave a comment and i will update this section with the answers. (im tired as hell as i am writing this).

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