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I want to start this off by saying that this guide is not for the 1k Peruvian Injokers who run around with Urn and Cold snap perma invoked. If you can't play Furion, this guide isn't for you. Also, this is an early game gank build, so yeah. The basics are that we gank early with double while farming jungle, and continue farming jungle while split pushing top with double. After we get core, split push with double and original and rat until we win. Teammates only exist in the early game while you gank their lane and as cannon foder while you split push top. If you have never played Arc before, please practice against bots before you go into a game with this guide, or your team will be playing 4v5 while you sit in jungle with a motionless double.
I'm going to start with the skill build, as I talk about the items throughout the guide. First of all, we max Flux for the slow and damage. Our main damage will be from wraiths and attack damage, however, we still need some more damage from the tankiest of tanks. We max wraiths next, because we want them to be at max efficiency asap, since it falls off really really fast. Then we max field, since it only really helps for pushing and tping out. We put points into double whenever we can, because the cd reduction and increased duration helps a lot. Taking flux damage is mandatory, since in the late game we are already attacking so fast that it doesn't really make a difference, while flux does. The Attack damage helps us get over 150 damage, and we don't really need the health. Now, the really contreversy comes. The next talents are going to determine how you play. The way I play, is I just walk around assasinating people at super long range, so I go with the range. However, the CD reduction is perfect for split pushing, as it allows our boots to never be on cd for our double, so long as you TP instantly every time. The last talents, 30% Lifesteal or 250 Spark Wraith damage is a very easy choice. I only recommend the damage if your playing against an Io or Ember Spirit. Someone who has no choice but to walk into the wraiths. Also works well with a Batrider, Rubick or Magnus.
As the title of the guide suggests, we run Arc Mid. Snatch the bounty or contest theirs. If doing the latter, you'll want to be quick, as you move at near CM speeds, and you aren't getting boots for a while. Run to lane and start last hitting. We want midas by 7 minutes, hence why we leave the fountian with gloves and tangos (If you would like, you can take 2 branches or branch and faerie fires instead of tangos, but you're at the mercy of your teammates). If your opponent is melee, congrats on your free lane. Hit them until they feel unconfortable, but make sure you last hit first. Once you hit level 6, just rush the other laner. This is the one advantage melee laners have against you. All they have to do to survive your assault is to stick near the wave and run after flux is off. Harrass until they get far enough away, ult and put both fluxes on the enemy. The effect stacks and slows them down to 100 MS! Throw down 2 spark wraiths on top of them and attack the whole while. After the wraiths go off, they are dead, except for a spirit breaker or doom with like 3 bracers. After you get the kill, continue to farm and pressure tower. Now, if you feel like getting field will help get towers down, skip a point in wraith and put it in field. Lane until your ult is off CD, then check offlane. If they have an Anti Mage, or some other Escape 3 hero, don't bother unless you have a VERY strong disabler in offlane. Usually you want to gank top, because offlaners are generally very good gankers, such as brew or clock, who can destroy you if they find you in the jungle. We want to stall their items as much as possible. Do the same thing you did with your laner but this time push HARD. If you get that tower down, you net your double some space to farm, so he doesn't die prematurely and give the enemy that tasty 300 gold bounty. Rinse and repeat this as many times as you want, but try to get the most money from your kills, because we want maelstrom by 15 minutes at most. This helps our wave clear and camp clear. Start saving up for boots, its time for the jungle.
Now, this part is a bit boring. I know many people don't find jungling and farming very fun, but this is Arc Warden, and that is why we picked him. Farm in the jungle until we get BoT. If everything went right, we should have them by 20 minutes at most, because after 20 minutes, other heros will already have at least one core item, which on most carries is a farming item. No point in split pushing if they have already cleared your wave. There will be some ganks and skirmishes in lane, so try and save your BoT CD for that, but make sure you always use double for pushing. Remember to check its BoT CD as well, so you dont call it in to early and have it stand around for a few seconds. Once it gets to the desired lane, throw down a spark wraith on the ranged creep and hit it once. It won't do as much damage to your creep wave and cost you a grand total of, 0 mana. Attack move him to the next tower in lane and focus on the real Arc. Farm Farm Farm until you get Mjollnir. This is one of the best items for Arc in mid game. It gives enemies a deterant for hitting your 9 armor hero, and gives you one of the best split pushing tools in the game. Put it on the front creep when the double is about to die, then it will run forward, and get attacked by every creep in the next wave. With every attack that the creep wave throws out, there will be at least one jump. In 3 seconds, the creep wave dies, or less. Push out the enemy offlane, farm your jungle, repeat until you get diffusal blade and Yasha by 25-30 minutes. Diffusal Blade does better the more units you have, and the Yasha is going to be put into manta style. If you are skeptical, just think back to the moment where the enemy AM just took ageis, and he walked out of pit to find an Illusion Rune. He found your 2/26 CM in the jungle, and his illusions killed her by themselves. Now make the illusions ranged, and make them immune to attack damage and attacking at 3 times a second. Yeah... At this point, jungle creeps aren't giving you enough money to satiate the hungry beast that is Arc Wardens coffers. It wants hero blood now. 30 minutes, which is the maximum you should have these at, you are the strongest hero on the battlefield, unless they have someone like AM, who is farming at mach 5, you will need orchid before you can solo kill him. Anyone else is fair game. Destroy the lich who is still working on tranqs. Kill the level 4 offlaner. It doesn't matter, so long as they give gold. If you did this right, your mid laner is always going to be behind you, so just go murder them. Eventually, 40 minutes will hit on the clock and it will be time to group up.
At 40 minutes, you should have BoT, Mjollnir, Diff, Manta. You're a split pushing god and You'll be working on Shadow Blade, which you will use to murder the enemy supports easier. Now is a great time to rosh, since you still have an item slot left. If not, just push as five. You focus down the tower while the double holds anyone else back. Your team doesn't really need to push down the tower, as arc is an amazing pushing, but having a quick take will be pretty good. Push right up to rax and take them. Your enemy will probably try to kill you now if they haven't already. If you die, well, just say goodbye to your team and at least one t2. Since by now your death timer is like 1:30, you really don't want to die. Dieback is even worse, because they have 2 minutes with no deterant. You'll also drop a hefty amount of gold, and if that goes to the carry thats a core item completed. Just make sure when you get back you don't just tp to a lane and start pushing. You may be strong but you can't 1v5. That just isn't Arc Warden. Use your techies attack range to harrass them away from your towers, then farm again. You'll be just about 2 or 3 hitting most jungle creatures, and you REALLY need that orchid, because the slow from flux will drop off. Wraiths are basically irrelevant except for checking rosh and sniping people. Once you farm up Orchid and concequently bloodthorne, (or scythe for those dispell items), you can go back to killing. Shadow Blade will become invaluable for the ability to sneak up on people or run away from a pushed lane. Once you have SB, you need to make a choice. Butterfly, Skadi, MKB and Necro. Necro book is for if the enemy has strong depush, such as Jakiro, Tinker and Lion with aghs. They are all squishy and have a strong deterant to killing the warrior. It is also good against maybe a riki or clinkz who just managed to get away. MKB is great against tinker as well and also good against PA, but you may also have bloodthrone, a sudo MKB, or scythe, which gives you well enough time to kill PA. And BF is just a good item if you feel like you don't have enough survivability or damage. Now, if you haven't taken Rax yet, KEEP BUYING! Upgrade to Diff (2) and BoT (2). Consume a Moon Shard and put Necrobook, Heart and BKB in you backpack. Remember, these aren't core, so finishing the game is more important then getting them. These are if the game goes so long that you have too much money to just throw around. Now I'm going to talk about playing from behind.
Let's say you're getting destroyed by an Invoker in lane. Whenever you attack him, he just goes on you and kills you. This only applies if you died like 3 times in lane. First of all, you aren't playing carry anymore- Make sure to tell your safe laner that. Next, you are going to gank instead of lane. Immediatly go to safelane and gank, regardless of if you have double. Keep ganking until you get midas, we don't skip this. Rush blink afterwards, we are playing initiator. Blink onto someone and pop double. Flux them 2 times and then throw down your wraiths, then you have 6 seconds of slow. Continue hitting them while your team jumps on them too. Again, you greatest weakness, escape heros, will be able to withstand this, but you can serve your purpose of nuking and initiating. You are the new abbadon, slowing the **** out of the enemy and then tanking a **** ton while they can't hit you. Your carry will be really appreciative of the space, and the enemy will hate you. Towards the end, if you do it right, you will be just as effective in the late game as with carry build, but you aren't going to be ratting. If you manage to **** this up then just play viper or something because this is really simple.
Well this is the guide. To provide credibility, I have over 50 Arc games with a 60ish win rate, the other ones were teammates and Eblade dagon magic nuke arc which I can provide in another guide if this one gets support.
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