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12 Votes

[Meepo v6.75b] The One Man Assault Team

December 9, 2012 by AwesomeClock
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stumbler | November 21, 2012 9:40pm
There is only one thing I could add to this: Eul's Scepter of Divinity. Really.

I fallen in love with it lately. You can use it as an alternative for initiation with blink. To me, its better, since as you said you put all your team in risk by blinking one Meepo in. Also, the item kinda falls off, and make your poofs less effective since its only half of it.

Euls last for 2.5 sec. So if you are close enough, you can actually use it as the initiation for your poofs, as it channels for 1.5 second and you get both arrival and departure damage. If you are too far, you can time your net properly so they fall on them instantly when they come down.

You can use it in team fights to disable someone annoying, to save one of your low health Meepo. You can use it to chase, you can use it to stop a chaser if you'r not confident with your nets, or want to prevent him from casting anything. Honestly, its pretty darn good. You can even help your team with it, along with your mek, turning you into a cary/support/pusher machine!

I love it so much <3
AwesomeClock | October 12, 2012 1:35pm
Hades4u wrote:

I have been thinking lately, would a Manta Style work? Two extra Meepos to confuse the enemy team.

A +1 from me though.

Manta Style probably would work with the nice stat boost and the extra pushing power. That's a nice idea, I'll have to try that one out.
Hades4u (296) | October 12, 2012 11:01am
I have been thinking lately, would a Manta Style work? Two extra Meepos to confuse the enemy team.

A +1 from me though.
AwesomeClock | October 11, 2012 4:21pm
catch22 wrote:

Link your skills and items! Divided We Stand, Vladmir's Offering for example.

Otherwise pretty solid advice.

Ah, thanks for showing me how to create icons (with links), I haven't gotten around reading the bbcode guide for this website.

catch22 | October 11, 2012 3:47pm
Link your skills and items! Divided We Stand, Vladmir's Offering for example.

Otherwise pretty solid advice.
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