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Meepo - The (Long) Road to Victory

February 21, 2013 by Kangaroux
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Kangaroux | February 21, 2013 1:51pm
Mirror wrote:

Far point. I play Build Meepo to have more of an early game which is what probably not your not supposed to do so. It just vs a good CM team you will never get the chance to free farm, they will hunt you down.

The nice thing about Meepo is even if your primary isn't getting good farm at least your clones are. I like to get Boots of Travel as soon as I have some survivability because you can farm so easily and you basically turn into a Tinker, just porting in and out of creep waves to blow them up.
Mirror (22) | February 21, 2013 1:15pm
My point is that getting something that gives AoE bonuses like that aren't useful early at all because your Meepo's are all split up farming. Notice I say it's not good early game. If you want to get it later on, sure, go ahead, but it's not viable as a first item. Getting an extra Meepo early has more priority over a vlads or mek, imo.

Far point. I play Build Meepo to have more of an early game which is what probably not your not supposed to do so. It just vs a good CM team you will never get the chance to free farm, they will hunt you down.
Kangaroux | February 21, 2013 1:07pm
Mirror wrote:

Wait, WHAT? Are you ignoring the .8 mana regen and insane 5 armor AoE? It lets you push lanes like crazy since it buffs creeps. The fact that it gives damage is just an added bonus so it has use late game.

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever buy heart on Meepo. you should get heart for the health regen not the strength. If you are trying to increase you E-HP (Effective Health Points) armor is good for that. Whats this? Mek gives 7 armor, on top of 5 armor from vlads plus the raw health from reaver you should be tanky enough.

My point is that getting something that gives AoE bonuses like that aren't useful early at all because your Meepo's are all split up farming. Notice I say it's not good early game. If you want to get it later on, sure, go ahead, but it's not viable as a first item. Getting an extra Meepo early has more priority over a vlads or mek, imo.
Mirror (22) | February 21, 2013 1:00pm
As with any hero, getting a vlads early game is next to worthless.

Wait, WHAT? Are you ignoring the .8 mana regen and insane 5 armor AoE? It lets you push lanes like crazy since it buffs creeps. The fact that it gives damage is just an added bonus so it has use late game.

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever buy heart on Meepo. you should get heart for the health regen not the strength. If you are trying to increase you E-HP (Effective Health Points) armor is good for that. Whats this? Mek gives 7 armor, on top of 5 armor from vlads plus the raw health from reaver you should be tanky enough.
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