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meepo pro guide - trust me :)

November 15, 2014 by hbui282
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more than standart meepo

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

Hero Skills

Sticky Fingers (Innate)


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meepo pro guide - trust me :)

November 15, 2014

some things about me...

hey , in the gane my name is hbui282 , im playing dota 2 a lot of time and i want to share
my knowledge with u guys.
i do this guide because i saw in the last time that have a little experiance players and a lot of new players (that is fine , everyone need to start from somewhere , but its make the game harder to win) , so guys i give u this guide that u will be good with meepo (for my opinion - the hardest playing charater). so guys go read my tips below and im sure that u will be better with meepo after u read it than before...

so guys - have fun :)...

1o tips that make u stronger...

first , meepo is not an easy hero to play but after a lot of games with him its fun to play with him , here some tips for good game:
1. at the begining when u only 1 meepo , dont try to kill because all ur power its ur ultimate.
2. if one meepo die they all die so allways stay with ur team and push (use ur poof on the creeps and push).
3. never take invisibility rune couse its give invisibility only for ur main meepo and the other stay visibility , regenaration rune take only if ur main meepo had low hp , couse he is the only meepo that can take runes. allways take double damage rune because its give DD to all ur meepos.
4. ur finger allways need to be ready on 'tab' because with this button u swich ur meepos.
5. when u see enemy hero come (not over powers or stuners) throw on him a web (ur first ability) and do a poof with all ur meepos , after 3 seconds from when u throw the web throw another one with other meepo couse if not the enemy will escape. (ye i know its hears hard but after u reach expiriance its fun...).
6. when u got ur 5 meepos (3 from ulti and more one from scepter) u OP and u can go even on 3 enemies (but remember - u very stronger with ur team , without hin u will die...).
7. allways be alart and pay attenion on ur meepos hp , and heal whos need with Urn of Shadows or send him to a Hiding place and he will heal himselt (if he had Tranquil Boots , if not - send him base)
8. when u teleport to a tower or some place only ur main meepo will teleport and the other stay at the place , so with ur other meepos do 'poof' (ur second ability that teleport one meepo to other meepo) and bring all ur meepos together.
9. never buy invisibility stuff from the same reason - its make only one meepo invisibility and the all other will stay visibility.
10. when u go jungle its great to split and every meepo go to another camp - its x5 money and x5 xp (when u 5 meepos).

i think thats all , meepo is a great charater , use this tips and all will be good , and the important thing - have fun :).


so here iil explain lottle bit about meepo items..
But Remember meepo can get strong with the item but you must practice a lot with him...

Tranquil Boots = so listen upo guys this item realy helpfull to meepo its realy good to save some expensive time...
the thing is when one or more of your meepoes got Low Hp you need to send him to base but with the Tranquil Boots you can just send him to some hidden place and he will drain is own life faster...
this item realy good 'cause of its speed [but the hp regan its the main reason]

Vladmir's Offering so this item [as you know] giving you an |aure life stealer|
and because your so many meepoes you need it its will give all of your meepoes life stealer and its preety good for this hero

Aghanim's Scepter i dont have muse to say -_- its just another meepo...WHO the **** am i kiding this item is the bets item for meepo its will turn you into 5 meepoes...
you can farm more level more and kill more with this item

Eye of Skadi this item will slow down the enemies and will help you to Catch them with your Earthbind and gank them with the Poof

the last item iil explain about is:
Ethereal Blade you need to catch your enemy with Earthbind and then use your Ethereal Blade to get more magicv damge and then use your Poof on him


so guys meepo is a realy cool dude i wish i can hang out with him preety funny and a great hero nice pusher good ganker and realy realy realy fun hero
i realy recommend for you guys to try him and practice with him
and remember the HOT KEY with meepo is |TAB|!!!

so this is my first guide i hope you like it plz dont write stuff about my grammer and my english that not my first language i want you guys to say thing about the guide himself what good and what no...

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