Meepo By Eyass 1.0 -hardcarry -ganker -latecarry -pusher SOLO Lane
December 5, 2015
Explaining the items
The starting items:
Three irons branches: I guess its just normal as it is, they can give you 3 more damage so it can Make the last hitting easier, since meepo has a really low damage at the start.
Tangos and a healing slave: you will be soloing a lane so u need lots of health regeneration.
Ring of protection: so buying this item is not for Valdmir's or Mekansm as usual, this item for the Tranquil boots that is goin to be so useful in core game until u get the Heart of Tarrasque.
The early game items:
Tranquil Boots: After trying this boots for meepo I could realize its much better and much helpfull for meepo at the early game or even in the middle of the game before u get Heart of Tarrasque, for examble it really saves lots of time to go back base tto regain ur health and it leaves meepo full health all the time making him prepared for all the ganks, and for the middle game it can just regain ur health simply after a team fight and u dont have to go back to base then u can continue farming at the jungle or pushing lanes, that way u can level up so fast by using every min of the game to get xp or get farmed, and of course we dont have to talk about the speed u get of that boots at the early game.
Blink Dagger: ok and this items also another really effective way to level up and get farmed so fast with meepo and its helpful more in early game tha it is in the late game,
This item is just so perfect for meepo at all times.
Basicly u should be able to get that item at most at minute 12 after getting the boots,
At the first 12 mins u have to be so careful that u dont get killed and to try really safely to get some creeps, and when u have the boots its ok if u get some hits when u trying to a creep , u can regen the health again, but basicly just play safe until u get the blink.
Now when u get the blink you will be able to get ur first kill and thats when u atmre starting to level up fast, at ur lane u just jump at the squishy hero and do the buffs, u will be already have leveled up ur second ability till level 4 or 3 and its enough to have a kill even if the hero is not that squishy, u can also gank at the bottom before or after u get ur first kill.
The Core items:
The scepter: of course this item we dont need to discuss about it that much, u will just be able to get it before level 15 if u can get so much pick ups with ur blink , if not just keep farming the jungle
The heart of Tarrasque: this item can make ur meepo even harder to kill specialy if they have a really strong carry with strong ultis and with this item u can just go at the first and u can take so much more hits and ur whole team is behind u.
Boots of Travel: ok boots of travel can be bought before u get the heart if the game is not goin so much good for u, coz having boots travel with meepo is like a bug because its too powerfull, with boots of travel u can be harder pusher than nature prophet and even like tinker, u will be able to use 5 times with each meepo and allowing to jump from lane to another and u can ascape tha ganks allowing to farm more push more.
The Late Game items:
Eye of Skadi: I guess the best u will get from this item is more tanky meepo and the agility and the attack speed, the more hp is good for the carry mele heros that had high damage and the agility is good for the high tanky carry heros, because as they level up more and get farmed at late geame they do more damage and they have more health so getting a skadi is the best u can have for this situation.
Assault Cuirass: so after u get enough HP and there is the hero u still cant kill becoase he has so much armor and HP and ur second abilty is still not enough, having attack speed is good for that and breaking there armor and gaining more armor is still goin to be ao helpfull for an late game.
Situational items:
Drum of endurance: well its an extra early game if u get too much farmed for a good team fight but i would prefare that this item and same like Valdmir's and mekansm to be held with a support not meepo , in my opinion its really waste to hole a Valdmir's or those items
Pipe of insight: well for this which i also prefare to be held by a support, but its not so bad if u hold it by meepo it gives health regeneration and can help against intelligence heros and specialy if u have a support who dosnt understand his role exactly
Orchid Malevolence: well another item for the carry intelgance heros or the carry heros that are counting the most on there abilities, i also prefare that this item is held by other hero.
Explaining skill leveling
-Well we started with the first ability Earthbind, its helpful at the beginning when u need to get a rune with ur teammates or for a first fight to get a first blood.
-You level up ur third at the second level coz it helps u get some farm more at start and it also help harassing the mele enemy that is trying to farm.
-Then u level up ur ulti of course and after that u start preparing for ur Blink dagger by maxing up ur second abilty Poof after that u will be able to get ur first kill.
-You will then max ur third abilty with leveling ur ulti at level 10, and its becaose u will be using ur first abilty after blinking to the hero so it has goodand enough range for this strategy and leveling up ur third can be more helpfull at getting kills and farming.
Then later just continue with the levels normaly
The Strategy
So its diffeent strategy then normal, you play safe until u get blink and reach level 6 or 7, then u have to search for ur first kill and u can find it maybe in gamking mid or bottom or if u have a squishy heros at ur lane and since most of heros are squishy at start specialy infornt of the lvl 3, and you can do it in this order first find the right moment when the hero away from the creeps far from his tower then jump at him with ur blink catch him with ur first abilty poof that meepo with the other one and it probably wont kill him instantly only if the hero was sniper he need another tow mele attacks and he is dead but other wise u would have leveled up ur first abilty so u can slow him with some mele attacks, he will try to run away but he is too slow.
Well there is some other counter heros that can make it really hard for u to get the first kill but u can try it in other lane, but as long as u get the blink its safe u can run away and u can get kill anytime u like.
That was for beginning strategy, and am not really much good at the late game u just have to fuligure it out with ur team.
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