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13 Votes

Meepo 12-18 min Dagger Build

August 26, 2012 by meeps
Comments: 6    |    Views: 27976    |   

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

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Meepo 12-18 min Dagger Build

August 26, 2012


Hi this is my build that gets me a quick dagger, and Ive been playing meepo for a long time.

In Dotacash, I sniped team stacks until I reached 2600 elo just by using Meepo.

This is my stream dedicated to Meepo: where you can find vods and live games of high quality Meepo games. I use the exact build here for my fast dagger in most my games, so you can see this build live in action. All of them are versus stacks or scrims. (Ill be resuming streaming once Meepo comes out in DotA 2)

Also, I would like to recommend another streamer when he starts named MeePwn. Hes one of the first players to really get into Meepo, experienced and definitely someone else who can help you learn Meepo too. You can find us here at this steam group page

If you have any questions, feel free to join the group page and ask.

Meepo Tips I’ve learned over my years

1) Meepos can poof to illusions (manta style and runes)

2) Once you hit 6, you can stack camps with your second meepo to get ahead in levels.

3) The fastest way to poof all your meepos is tab poof
To successfully dagger poof, first poof where you will blink, then blink your main meepo before your clones finish their casting time; You have a short window of opportunity to accomplish this.

4) Meepo poof does 1120 damage aoe when you poof all four meepos, however with magic resistance it is 840.

5) Meepo has 1800/1800 vision meaning the best time to gank is at night, because most heroes have 800 vision at night. With dagger, you can easily catch, kill someone and they wont even see you coming

6) Most of the time theres no point in going Net first because you wont use it. There are exceptions but usually its best to get poof lvl 1 because you can CS with it. It only costs 80 mana, does 100 AOE damage and has a short CD. However, do get net after.

7) If youre going dagger build, 1 level in net is fine since you dont need the extra range, because youre blinking on your opponents. You can put the skill points in geostrike which slows, provides more dps and will greatly improve your ganking w/ blink. I recommend skilling net 1-2 levels, and maxing your other skills first.

8) You can cyclone your own Meepos.

9) Net gives vision, and you can stop the backswing.

10) You should always blink in Rosh rather than walk in to avoid possible wards.

11) You can blink on a cliff, poof a clone in and poof out leaving your clone there as a temporary ward.

12) You cant drop or sell afghanim scepter

13) Double damage is the only rune that affects all your meepos. Invis, Haste, Regen only affects your Main meepo.

How my build works

This is a simple build to get you dagger within 15 mins in the game so you can be aggressive right away. Basically, you get tranquil boots early so you can lane safely. Then, you disassemble it for RoB and Headdress after you get blink. By 15-16 min youll be level 11, and ready to gank with your dagger, and pieces of your mek and vlad already done.

This is a very doable build. The focus is not to die, and farm waves once you hit two meepos. You might get 0 cs early on, but once you hit two meepos, you can farm whole waves/neutral camps with just one poof from each meepo.

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