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12 Votes

Medusa hardest carry 6.85(Lane, Support & Farming)

December 14, 2015 by Teh_sid
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Teh_sid | January 5, 2016 3:19am
lotus orb isn't the ideal choice but hey in pubs and I imagine even in low MMR games or high( account buyers) people don't want to support as good so it falls on you to protect yourself
Zetsuna (1) | January 1, 2016 11:53am
Well its me again hey SiD, agreed with lotus orb in mid game build and it can be dissambled and can be build into [shiva guard] and [linken sphere] and either bkb or linken based on the game flow. like notail said bout ****** game
Teh_sid | December 14, 2015 10:04pm
michimatsch wrote:

The guide is good for a first guide definetely a +1 ffrom me.
This guy is probably just a kido or sth.
1.It is hard to write a guide (it took me 3 months to finish my guide)
2. Linken's Sphere into Black King Bar? Interesting...but how are you gonna farm? How are you going to teamfight? Linken's Sphere may be good on Medusa later on but you are going to need an item to farm.This build will let you fall so much behind.
+1 for the guide.

thank you and that was my point exactly.
michimatsch (26) | December 8, 2015 7:39am
The guide is good for a first guide definetely a +1 ffrom me.
This guy is probably just a kido or sth.
1.It is hard to write a guide (it took me 3 months to finish my guide)
2. Linken's Sphere into Black King Bar? Interesting...but how are you gonna farm? How are you going to teamfight? Linken's Sphere may be good on Medusa later on but you are going to need an item to farm.This build will let you fall so much behind.
+1 for the guide.
Teh_sid | December 7, 2015 2:25pm
Dmon wrote:

May I ask what MMR r u in? U have 0 deny... and u r supposed to buy STATS items cuz she benefits so much from stats. And how the hell ur teammates feed like crazy while u have 0 dead??? U no join teamfight and just farm all day or u used photoshop????? Fk this guy dude so bad... All by the way ur itemization sucks. Linken Sphere is supposed to be a CORE on Medusa cuz it gives her all she needs. Then REAL Medusa players will rush BKB to become unkillable and still outputs load of damage. This guide needs lots of work dude :((. DISLIKE

worst guide maybe, as I said it was my first guide but none of the screen shot are manipulated before you criticise someone I suggest you do a background check the match ID's are provided goto dotabuff and search ID's thank you.

there you go :
Dmon | October 16, 2015 8:25am
May I ask what MMR r u in? U have 0 deny... and u r supposed to buy STATS items cuz she benefits so much from stats. And how the hell ur teammates feed like crazy while u have 0 dead??? U no join teamfight and just farm all day or u used photoshop????? Fk this guy dude so bad... All by the way ur itemization sucks. Linken Sphere is supposed to be a CORE on Medusa cuz it gives her all she needs. Then REAL Medusa players will rush BKB to become unkillable and still outputs load of damage. This guide needs lots of work dude :((. DISLIKE
Maximal Crazy | September 8, 2015 10:12am
One of the worst guides ever.Nothing original.
Teh_sid | August 12, 2015 11:44am
Zetsuna wrote:

Nice work! +1 from me!

But I have some question over here to clear something (don't blame me I'm a noob)
1. I want to ask why we don't rush orb or Demon Edge for early dmg/ tank if laning success or free farming? note my shoe is phase if I rush this item
2. Sometimes I go Demon Edge for quicker flash farming with dusa, and it can be MKB, Daedalus Or DR later is it optionable?
3. If I have a bad laning phase due ganking too often what should I do to become a beast?
4. If the enemy team don't have much nuker mostly I go MoM to cut the price of Mjolnir and it also give extra movement *Of course it's risky but it's worth to get since dusa need MS
5. Add TP into core item, its very helpful whenever you ganked.
6. Thanks! Have a good day Sir

First of all sorry for the late reply.

1) We don't rush Orb or Demon Edge generally cause since the new update, hero kills drop more gold and games don't last that long, only Medusa's survival is that Mana Shield so the amount of farm needed to get that much mana and tank that much is high furthermore because of low basic stats, the damage output is low excluding Mystic Snake.

2) Ofcourse its an option, I think its better to get just a Demon Edge and you can build it up as per need.

3) Medusa weather we want or not becomes a beast late game, so bad lane phase fine go help other player who has a good lane phase so he can carry you early and midgame.

4) Mom as I feel and mentioned is good but the amount of damage addition it gives{on user), I really don't like it for that matter

5) It is already there :), check last item under Always carry.

6) you too have a nice one!
Zetsuna (1) | June 30, 2015 7:16pm
Nice work! +1 from me!

But I have some question over here to clear something (don't blame me I'm a noob)
1. I want to ask why we don't rush orb or Demon Edge for early dmg/ tank if laning success or free farming? note my shoe is phase if I rush this item
2. Sometimes I go Demon Edge for quicker flash farming with dusa, and it can be MKB, Daedalus Or DR later is it optionable?
3. If I have a bad laning phase due ganking too often what should I do to become a beast?
4. If the enemy team don't have much nuker mostly I go MoM to cut the price of Mjolnir and it also give extra movement *Of course it's risky but it's worth to get since dusa need MS
5. Add TP into core item, its very helpful whenever you ganked.
6. Thanks! Have a good day Sir
Teh_sid | June 8, 2015 9:41am
ofcourse Slashers way is fun enough and all, up until the point where some one is babysitting you and you have cooperative team mates, which is hard to find in Pubs. make a phase mom and BKB and end up dying to a single CC hex or stun nuke.
The Frosto (14) | May 30, 2015 9:12am
ring of aquila, phase, mom, bkb, rapier. Than you are usefull way earlier in the game. It's only 30 minutes of farming instead of farming 50 minutes
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