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This is just my opinion and im no pro so yeah if this is wrong
I willstop doing it :) ty
I would just add the soul ring just like other people said. Low cost and the mana regen as life regen are very good.
How do you guys feel about vanguard or hood of defience on DK? Does it work well or just no necessary? Thanks!
If you want demonstrations this is a video of me playing around with DK:
There are 2 types of builds in Knight Davion, the pure tanker and semi carry and a hard carry/ tanker in late game. These 2 types of build will be depending on your allied heroes and skills and opponent's heroes and skills. Remember this, there is no definite build in every hero in this game. Item build must be bought depnding on the opponent's strategies/ heroes and skills and also your team's strategies heroes and skills.
reading guides without proper justifications, explanations and demonstrations is not advisable for readers. Copying item builds, skill builds without knowing its purpose, advantages and disadvantages will surely ruin your game.
If you want demonstrations this is a video of me playing around with DK: