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26 Votes

Make love,not venom.

January 12, 2014 by Wulfstan
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KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 10, 2015 9:14am
this guide was made when blink had just been nerfed to the ground and still had mana cost while the meta didn't bring out the importance of movement speed.

Euls gives movement speed and disables blink.Do the math :)
ChiChi (47) | February 10, 2015 8:30am
I liked this guide! I would only ask: why do you not consider an Eul's Scepter of Divinity in your normal build, not only for when Venom plays as an initiator, but for those games when you're feeling mana problems (I usually don't find the Ring of Basilus enough, specially if I want a Mekns) or for that nice disable you normally don't have (either to survive a bit longer a teamfight after using your ulti or to disable hard carrys like Faceless Void and Phantom Assassin).

In a similar way, I find that building a lonely Yasha goes extremely well with the support Venom, since he is after all an agility hero and benefits from the not expensive extras this item gives him. And if everything goes extremely well for you and you feel you need to transition a bit to that semi-carry role, you can later do a Sange&Yasha or a Manta Style - both items that benefit him in various ways.
Eon_Theory (2) | June 2, 2014 6:23pm
I dare you to make a Tidehunter guide that is called "Make love, not Tentacles"
Wulfstan (77) | January 12, 2014 1:08pm
Updated according to the new buffs received.
Gregar | June 8, 2013 10:08pm
Good guide. Though it's quite strange that you didn't include Shadow Blade. I played this hero quite often and I found that surprising factor is the key to get the whole enemy team affected by Poison Nova. Although Shadow Blade can be countered by Gems/Dusts/Wards, it is still very useful in ganking/escaping/setting yourself in the right position; it also provides some Damage/AS bonus. Usually Venom won't be able to survive long enough after using his ultimate to use Venom Strike if you just Force Staff yourself in, the enemy team will notice right away and focus him, and even Venom might not be able to do anything if the enemy team has good reaction and counters (that means they will disable Venom the moment they see him). Also if you play public games, Shadow Blade is even more useful since people are often lazy to buy gems/dusts/wards.
Wulfstan (77) | May 31, 2013 8:04am
mnoi wrote:

3 things:

1. Drums: "who doesn't love this item? The answer is:Everyone."
You seem to suggest that everyone doesn't love the item (which I know you don't mean)

2. Include a blink dagger somewhere

3. Well done

I don't like Blink Dagger,doesn't provide much utility while the Force Staff has rather more utility than the blink,even if it costs an extra 200 gold.Can save allies,and gives mana so you can cast out the gale+nova combo rather early.

Fixed the description.
mnoi (2) | May 4, 2013 4:42am
3 things:

1. Drums: "who doesn't love this item? The answer is:Everyone."
You seem to suggest that everyone doesn't love the item (which I know you don't mean)

2. Include a blink dagger somewhere

3. Well done
Wulfstan (77) | March 18, 2013 1:22pm
I'm really sorry about forgeting about the scepter.Didn't know what was going on until I remembered to update this.Thaks Sp12 for poiting out,though a long time ago.
SuperNova (16) | January 15, 2013 5:47am
GGnet.Ace wrote:

Sorry mate but Skadi with Poison Sting doesnt stack.Also where is the medalion choice ?
Manta should replace Skadi on your luxury choices.

They do stack, poison sting isnt an orb. Why would you get a Medallion of Courage? veno have no armor affecting abilitys and all his damage is magical except for wards that do piercing. He doesnt need manta either, this is a support build. Why a support needs manta style i cannot fathom.
GGnet.Ace (4) | January 15, 2013 5:28am
Sorry mate but Skadi with Poison Sting doesnt stack.Also where is the medalion choice ?
Manta should replace Skadi on your luxury choices.
goodgame | January 13, 2013 6:55pm
Very good guide.

Just wanted to add that Venomancer can be adapted to be a good support to side lane alongside of a carry. The trick is to place Plague Wards very conservatively---just enough that they help speed up the last hitting process for the carry. About 2 to 3 wards is enough generally. Extra wards can be used like Observer wards to warn against enemy ganks from jungle/river, without being placed near the farming area. Wards can also be placed forward of the farming area in a 'blind' spot so the enemy heroes get surprised attacked as they try to push your lane. Of course emphasize plague wards to do this, taking one in gale and the passive until the plague wards are maxed out.

Venomancer is also very good at tower defense against lane pushers. Place wards in ring around tower so wards are overlapped by tower's firing radius. Of course carry some sentries/gem against the invisible gankers that will focus Venomancer before the tower (nyx, brood mother, etc...).
SuperNova (16) | January 13, 2013 4:10am
StevenLK wrote:

Also useful to mention that Veno isn't that great of a carry because he can already do so much damage with his ult and q then die immediately afterwards while still doing DoT.

UMAD? Carry veno is waaaay too stronk.
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