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10 Votes

Magnus - Carry O M G

April 6, 2012 by borodin
Comments: 2    |    Views: 33248    |   

Build 1
Build 2


DotA2 Hero: Magnus

Hero Skills

Solid Core (Innate)


2 4 7 9




1 3 5 8

Reverse Polarity

6 11 16


15 17 18


The Magnataur's primary role is using his powerful Reverse Polarity ability to ensure his team's victory in battle. With proper placement, a single Reverse Polarity can change the outcome of a team battle and potentially win the game. If combined with other area of effect spells, Reverse Polarity can destroy an entire enemy team. However, Magnus himself is no pushover in combat. Using Empower gives him a very strong physical attack capable of damaging multiple bunched up units, perfect when used after Reverse Polarity. In addition, Magnus has an area of effect spell of his own: Shockwave. Due to its relatively low mana cost and cooldown coupled with its high damage, Shockwave is an effective tool for harassing enemies in a lane and finishing off damaged foes. Although the power of Reverse Polarity tends to overshadow his other skills, Magnus is far from a one-skill hero.

A little bit more about him...

When I first played him in DotA I was amazed how powerful he was so I played him over and over again but one thing for sure He varies in Both Item & Skill Build A LOT. He is very good in almost any role: Carry,Ganker,Teamfighter(I know its is not actually a role but its very important for your team)etc.
Nevertheless he is a strong boost to your team since he has 3 burst spells and one awesome buff.
PS. Amazing gem courier too.

Background Story

Maybe the most tremendous being on the Dire, Magnus is a power to be reckoned with. Trained from birth to become a potent warrior, he is now at the peak of his strength. The Magnataur's giant axe can cleave paths through his enemies, and create a bone-breaking shockwave that ripples through the ground. Further strengthened by a demonic magic that enhances his attacks, he can crush enemies with shocking ease. His greatest power, though, is the ability to create an immensely strong magnetic field, sucking in helpless foes to meet their end.


Affiliation: Dire
Attack Animation: 0.5 / 0.84
Damage: 49 - 61
Casting Animation: 0.3 / 0.6
Armor: 4.1
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 315
Attack Range: 128 (melee)
Sight Range: 1800 / 800

21 + 2.75
15 + 1.8
17 + 1.65

Skills - Only The Basics


A wave of force ripples out from the Hero, causing damage(75/150/225/300) to land units in a line.

Gives an allied unit bonus damage(15%/25%/35%/45%) and Cleave(15%/25%/35%/45%) .

Magnataur rushes forward, goring enemies on his massive tusks. Charges up to 800 range max. Units hit will be stuck with you until you reach your targeted point, at which point they will be slowed by 40% for 2 seconds.(Deals 70/140/210/280) damage and maims.(Max 1/2/3/4 target)
Reverse Polarity

Through some unknown property of matter, the Magnataur sucks all nearby enemies to a location in front of him and stuns them with a powerful slam, dealing damage(150/225/300) and stunning enemies(2.5s/3.25s/4s).

Shockwave - Details & Usage

Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Point / Unit
Ability Hotkey: Q
A wave of force ripples out from the Hero, causing damage to land units in a line.

Level - 1/2/3/4

Mana Cost - 90

Cooldown - 11/10/9/8

Casting range - 500

AoE - 150 (Starting AoE)/00(Dist7ance)/150 (Final AoE)

Allowed Targets - Enemy unit

Effects - 75/150/225/300 damage

Damage type: magical
If a unit exits and enters the area of effect it will be damaged two times.
This skill only affects ground units.
Can hit units up to 1000 range away.

* Used most commonly for killing enemies far away(up to 1000 range like i mentioned)
* Bursting damage can kill many early game carries

Empower - Details & Usage

Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Unit
Ability Hotkey: W
Gives an allied unit bonus damage and Cleave.

Level - 1/2/3/4

Mana Cost - 40

Cooldown - 12

Casting range - 800

Duration - 40s

Allowed Targets - Enemy unit

Effects - 15%/25%/35%/45% attack damage bonus,

Only increases base damage and that given by the primary attribute of the units. Raw bonus damage is not increased.
The cleave ability has an area of effect of 200.

*Great farming tool
*Even at first level has the 15% (same as vladimir's offering)
*Overall awesome buff

Skewer - Details & Usage

Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Point
Ability Hotkey: D
Magnataur rushes forward, goring enemies on his massive tusks. Charges up to 800 range max. Units hit will be stuck with you until you reach your targeted point, at which point they will be slowed by 40% for 2 seconds.

Level - 1/2/3/4

Mana Cost - 80

Cooldown - 30

Duration - 2s

Casting range - 800

AoE - 95

Allowed Targets - Enemy unit

Effects - Deals 70/140/210/280 damage and maims. Max 1 target.
Maimed target is slowed by 40% for 2 seconds.

Damage type: magic
Magnataur charges to the target location at a speed of 950.
The first enemy units hit will be pulled along with him to the destination.
Units pulled with Magnataur will be slowed by 40% for 2 seconds after the charge, and take damage.

* Use this spell very strategically. PLAN!!!
* Great escape tool
* Huge range (800)

Reverse Polarity - Details & Usage

Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Instant
Ability Hotkey: V
Through some unknown property of matter, the Magnataur sucks all nearby enemies to a location in front of him and stuns them with a powerful slam, dealing damage.

Level - 1/2/3

Mana Cost - 200/250/300

Cooldown - 120

Duration - 2.5s/3.25s/4s on Heroes (3s/4s/5s on creeps)

AoE - 410

Allowed Targets - Enemy unit

Effects - Deals 150/225/300 damage and stuns

Damage type: magical
Disable works on magic immune units.
Pulls affected units to a random location 120-170 units in front of Magnataur.
* Teamfight breaker
* OMG stun

Build 1 - Carry (Carrying the game like ham on my back)


Build 2 - Jungler

As a jungler I skill Empower first (for faster jungling) taking 1 point at Skewer and 1 point at Shockwave, taking ulti whenever possible (at lvls 6/11/16).
For items I start of with. Afterwards I buy. Take this only if you can. Mid game opens you a wide choice of items for Magnus
In late game just continue building items from Mid game.
Item details will be added in later development of this guide

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