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60 Votes

Magnus, behold the horn!

October 4, 2012 by Ryukari
Comments: 31    |    Views: 526380    |   

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Ryukari (4) | May 2, 2015 5:47am
yea iam sry guys. like KoDyAbAbA said its an old guide. some skills are working slightly different now and some items got changed like the meta did. and the pictures got removed from the sites. and i dont have them anymore :d
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 20, 2015 6:02pm
As you can see, this guide is very old, meaning that the sites on which the pictures were originally hosted might be dead or must have removed these pictures from their database :)
AmbyValkrine | January 20, 2015 2:40pm
Theres nothing on this guide. Just error pictures, Fix please.
Entenei (2) | January 27, 2014 2:25am
I'm sorry but nothing is there, all just a picture of what looks like an error message. :|
zubaids | April 20, 2013 9:29pm
no halberd btw for carry role?
i think thats a good item to disable opponent's hard carry, as well as adding evasion and extra empower bonus damage
x4r3 | April 14, 2013 11:41pm
Blink dagger is definately a core item for Magnus, with it you can blink behind enemies and skewer them to your friends/tower and then Ulti. Skewer also has a long CD so having blink dagger will help you alot. MoM compared to armlet on almost any str heroes armlet will win, cause of the cost efficiency and MoM doesn't give any dmg, armor or life regen(also you can always pick up that Vlad's later for life steal.)
Gaffers | April 2, 2013 3:30pm
what do you mean by rejected items? Some of those items would look pretty good on Magnus
Frelus | February 21, 2013 1:58pm
I have to say, for me the choice between MoM and Armlet is not damage vs lifesteal, but damage and lifesteal vs damage, ~500 activateable bonus hp useful for juking, general survivability and regen.
I really dislike MoM and take Armlet on almost any str hero, as it is simply one of the most cost effective items.
Edit: Also Upvote from me, as it is a great guide!
Shumski | November 24, 2012 1:41am
There is nothing wrong with refresher orb on magnus... I watched EG playing against 4FC and that orb was there and it was quite fine beacuse EG won
Scimini | October 30, 2012 3:02am
Interesting find there bluecricket, And I disagree with this build partially. At the "level" where I play currently, instead of battlefury, which already states it's like using 2 battlefurys on a random carry, I preffer to make linken sphere, because it's a survival item and you'll be focusd a lot. It adds 10 of each stats, giving you more mana (which is needed) and I go with linken because of the regen, and I also start with a perseverance, that being said, the rest is situational, and usually, my build follows power treads, mask of madness, basher and for the first luxury item I'd go with the heart. And if you think about getting a black king bar, just go with the +5 magic armor item (i forgot the name, excuse me here). If they dont have hard carrys or nukers, or you dont like the heart, you can go for the cuirass.

Now you may ask why basher? Well it's simple, the extra damage on every 3 seconds is welcome, the stun is very good, and in combination with mask of madness and maybe cuirass, you can keep one person permanently stuned. Also, you need as much attack speed during ulti as you can get.

Correct me if I'm wrong ;).

Oh, and I don't like transforming such a powerful tank/carry in to a support, there are tons of heroes built specially for that job.
bluecricket | October 27, 2012 11:41am
I'm confused. Your item descriptions for the guide are almost a direct copy/paste from the Magnus guide that "FunnyWarfare" posted from March 2010.
NotSureIf (16) | October 6, 2012 2:20am
This was a pleasure to read Ryukari. :D Thanks for an excellent contribution.
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