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MagnumMagnus's guide to Magnus

May 16, 2014 by MagnumMagnus
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Utility magnus

DotA2 Hero: Magnus

Hero Skills

Solid Core (Innate)


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Reverse Polarity

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MagnumMagnus's guide to Magnus

May 16, 2014


Hello, this is MagnumMagnus, bringing you a guide on the hero Magnus. When I started Dota 2 as a young little noob, I saw all different characters, and then I saw Magnus, he looked fun, so I tried him ( I did horrible, but it was still fun ) ever since then, I refined my skills and became a somewhat good Magnus player, now Im goign to teach you what worked for me. Please, since this is my first guide, please provide some constructive feedback.
So here we go.

Magnus's Abilities

Magnus is a melee strength hero known for his utility in TeamFights, and being one of the few melee mid heroes, He is regularly picked in the competitive scene for a good harass, ultimate, and a free BattleFury, with some good initiation mixed in between.
Magnus first ability, Shockwave is a large shockwave that sends out damage in a straight line, useful for harrassing, finishing off your "combo" or simply killing a fleeing enemy.
Magnus's Second ability, Empower basically provides a free battlefury except with wider range and extra damage, thus he fits well with right clickers and heroes that can get off a lot of physical damage quickly. (aka= Heroes that need a battle fury, so you are saving them tons of gold while giving them a better battlefury) This is a good ability, but certainly not his best. I think it fits magnus well, and provides something different other than the gamechanging ulti mid hero. Which I like.
Magnus's third ability, Skewer, it basically pushes a maximum of 4 enemies into the direction magnus is facing, thus being very powerful if you get something along the lines of a blink dagger. It is used in conjunction with your ultimate and in that regard, it is very powerful.
Aah, Reverse polarity, one of the most single gamebreaking ultimates in the entire game. It basically pulls hero in a 410 radius right next to magnus, and stuns them for 3.75 seconds at max, not only is the stun huge, but it can be done on five players, and it brings them all close together, thus setting up very good ultimates after this ( black hole, chronosphere..etc)

Magnus Gameplay

Early game: Your first priority should be mid, you should get lvl 6 as quickly as possible, just get 3 iron branches and 1 tango for sustain, wait till you have enough for a bottle and use the courier to deliver it to you. After you have the bottle, take advantage of some runes, and look for ganks. If no ganks come your way, don't worry. After you get your bottle, farm the mid lane until you can get some boots.

Mid game: By this time you should have both your bottle, boots, and hopefully a magic wand. Your next big item is a blink dagger. Quickly save up, if you got some kills, then it will be much easier to get a blink dagger and your impact on the game will be much higher.
Continue looking for ganks, if a team-fight breaks out, simply blink in, and use your ultimate. Try to get as many people in there as possible, if you got it off successfully, there is a very good chance the fight is yours.

End game: This is where Magnus falls off somewhat, due to the lack of most of his abilties working around a teamfight. Although, the ability that does not make him completely useless is empower, if you have been a somewhat good magnus, then you should be powerful enough to begin getting damage items and use your empower to deal a whole lot of damage, when your enemies begin getting bkb's..etc ( I should note that reverse polarity goes through bkb, which makes it a very good ultimate all the way through, although the damage is blocked, but the stun is not. )


That was my really quick guide for Magnus, I hope you like it. Since this is my first one, it will likely suck, so anyone wants to read and give me some advice, feel free to.

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