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17 Votes

Magina the Mage Slayer

December 19, 2014 by Contractual
Comments: 26    |    Views: 163893    |   

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MrPoo | January 4, 2015 10:36am
I think this is the best way to play Magina! Good job! :)
ravenchow | March 13, 2014 7:42pm
I once was play AM and had a sort-of duel lane with a drow ranger, realy odd greed fest...
Contractual (3) | February 7, 2013 1:32pm
You're completely welcome!(Both of you). Finally I get comments like yours and it makes me EXTREMELY happy to know that people are using this knowledge successfully. :)
DzikaPanda (16) | February 7, 2013 7:56am
First time using this build and I've got new last hit and gpm records :D Also completly owned enemy team.
Thank you very much for making this guide.
ghOstGROBI | February 4, 2013 5:09am
nice guide, thank you :))
Contractual (3) | January 18, 2013 2:16pm
First of all thank you for your comment. The reason I have not placed Manta Style as a core item is due to the fact that it is indeed luxury. You may need another item such as a Black King Bar first because your team is forcing team fights earlier than expected. Playing a hard carry is about being flexible and getting the items that will allow you to deal the most damage AND survive. As I state in the guide, if you're dead before the team fight ends you have not completely done your job as a hard carry.

Secondly my reason for not making a build for Hand of Midas:
I have not yet made a build for Hand of Midas because I myself rarely use it. Often times the only reason to get a Midas is because you have great farm and the enemy is noob. Hence why your farm is great.(I myself reason great farm as 75+ by the ten minute mark) I really don't feel it necessary to make an entire build just for Midas though I will add it to optional items for each build and edit in some sub-section material for it explaining when to use it. Thanks again!
GGnet.Ace (4) | January 18, 2013 3:40am
Where is the Hand of Midas built ?
Also why not manta on core ?Manta is your main source of dealing damage .Not a chance manta is a luxury item ... most pros rush fury and then pick manta.
Contractual (3) | December 28, 2012 10:39pm
Thank you Hades for your nice comment. I worked quite hard on changing the overall layout of the guide. Well worth it to know that somebody enjoyed it.
Hades4u (296) | December 28, 2012 3:49am
Good job improving the guide, it's way better than before.

OneHalf (10) | December 23, 2012 8:19pm
Shadowblade on Antimage is alot of fun, dont forget the 150 crit bonus either, The blinking slammin ******** is pretty stupid but I've seen some people buy Lothar in WC3 Dota on him and absolutely wreck it up, haven't seen it much on D2.
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