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224 Votes

MadMoose Presents: The Big, Bad, Bounty Hunter

May 18, 2013 by MoosetheMonkey
Comments: 75    |    Views: 932194    |   

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drewZ | January 15, 2016 12:51pm
Which one is better for him?

Drum or vlads for first core item to build?

And for luxury, buterfly or mkb?

Thanks moose...
Daemon13311 | January 1, 2016 12:20pm
You know, I tried playing Bounty Hunter with Dagon, it seems to be quite a bonus for him with an 800 nuke at his disposal, especially for the tanky ones. You might want to take that build for a spin. Go for Dagon after building a desolator. I'd like to know how it goes
TransactionComplete | April 18, 2015 8:48pm
Excellent Guide. This guide has quickly made me a terror on the battlefield when my teammates aren't noobs. I still have to get the hard carry build down right but there's been a few times where I was the last man standing on my team vs 4-5 enemy players and I stomped them, thanks to this guide.
ERO-TAEPODONG | January 28, 2015 10:52pm
+1 for "that would be goblin techies"
Eon_Theory (2) | May 16, 2014 4:23am
Secret 5th ability; 7th Slot
Izzet Cthulu (1) | May 5, 2014 4:09pm
I love this guide! This is honestly one of the best guides on site. +1. The build works, makes sense, and the art and explanations have made BH one of my favorite characters. Thanks you ever so much, and fantastic work!
Typhonus | February 11, 2014 1:34pm
Thanks for the Guide. Seems like I may have to try the cookie cutter build with a Medallion. I've been getting dire results playing BH. Always more Deaths than Kills but hopefully that can change today :)
Sprout (1) | December 1, 2013 12:48am
[deleted] wrote:

This post confirmed what I was suspecting. The majority doesn't know how to use Bounty to his fullest.

Alright dude, I don't claim to know everything, just pitching in with what I know at the moment, feel free to tell us what we're obviously unaware of, or even better make your own guide :-)
Sprout (1) | November 30, 2013 11:27pm
[deleted] wrote:

Why would anyone build Vladmir's Offering to Bounty Hunter? The lifesteal aura gives you away when you're invisible.

Well the build that includes it is a more support bounty hunter, probably meaning you won't pick people off unless you're with someone / it's a teamfight, and a vlads gives him decent mana regen (granted a basi is enough, but why not build into a vlads for your team!) and his agi gain is really good so anything that's based on his base damage is decent.

Sure creeps'n stuff around you will show the buff however (at least at my bracket) it's really rare people actually check for that and by the point you have a vlads (you shouldn't rush it) I don't think sitting invis in a lane is going to do a lot for you, you should be with your team getting kills or scouting where there aren't any creeps!

I love vlads on bounty, he's a carry's (almost) best friend :-)
MaZAKre | November 6, 2013 5:11pm
very good guide, me like
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