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Hmm! Please add Orchid of Manevolence as a situational items :) I use it mostly if i already have BKB and there's a PUDGE, Treant, Bane. Most of the authors here doesn't know what they are teaching about. I can't see even 1 guide that was complete, concise and correct :( i pity those newbie who read poor guides written by random author.
I am quite good with her and the way I usually play her is by buying Hand of Midas before like the 10-13 mins mark. The reason I do this is because HoM gives her the ability to farm forest really fast and the attack speed + helps her a lot in getting kills. Also, HoM will cover its own cost after a while, so she will be getting that atk speed up for free.
I agree with you on many levels. First off the Bloodstone was a bad idea, I haven't perfected the ultra late game as the match is usually over by that time. It's been removed. Also, I agree 100% about an earlier BKB, I'm going to experiment with it tonight, I'm thinking removing the Cloak and Ring of Regen and instead buying an Ogre Axe, as the additional HP and HP Regen provided by it will accomplish the same things as the Cloak and Ring of Regen while building towards a more useful item.
That said, I disagree with your skill build. Blur is the best ability Mortred has and farming is not a problem with the survivability it offers and some decent last-hit micromanagement. With level 4 Blur you can stand toe-to-toe with a Mid-Carry Viper and come out on top. Delaying Coup de Grace is an interesting idea, I'll play with it, but I still believe it's better to get it right away as 350 damage a crit at level 6 is a massive amount of damage at that time of game, coupled with the high level of blur allowing you to really get in an enemy's face even with low HP, it really can mean the difference between life and death, whereas upgrading Stifling Dagger at that point would not.
Thank you for your comment!
I get the graph (after looking at in 3 times, over a 5 minute coffee haha) and we are looking at the probability of being hit by a 'physical attack' - again, better survivability, but I doubt at level 7 you could go toe-to-toe, 1 on 1 with viper. Her ulti is magical damage, you won't dodge that!
The problem isn't the skill blur - I agree it's a great skill, its just at level 7 - stifling dagger is better. 4 second 50% slow.
But as you say, it is situational. I only played dota2 mortred for the first time yesterday - and lost - [haha] it was a pub so that's my excuse. Anyway - I noticed that Mort needs greater attack speed over everthing else. A clash needs to begin before Mort turns up - if she's there, before or during - you're going to get shat on. Mort is what I like to call clean up crew - unlike FV or Spec where you going in guns blazing and skill like mad - Mort needs to wait for a clash to start, skills to go off, and then slice some1 away with that beautiful crit.
Also think of the purpose of blur - and what it does.
Blur is supposed to keep you alive when they are attacking you. NOT when you are attacking them. the 2 scenario's are very different - you don't dive on an enemy player, hoping you would dodge his attacks.
But you hope you dodge attacks, when you get ganked, or you are targetted by the enemy during clashes (after they have used skills). You're trying to use the skill for aggresive purposes, which is what it isn't desgined for.
I understand why you did this build - but for Mort is not practical.
You mentioned 'skill scaling' per level with her Blink Strike.
Based on that argument, her dagger (as you mentioned) scales very well, surely you would level that first? particular because of the low mana cost, allowing you to farm.
Grab 1 level of Blur early, is good (probably level 4 / 5), as you will also disappear from enemy minimaps which has it's benefits especially during a gank/clash. (and begin to blur when enemies are near, so you may have half a second to escape a gank.) You also mentioned you are weak against nukes - so getting max blur, doesn't help you.
Generally you don't need your SS at level 6, as you are still farming. Grabbing it after you have maxed first and 2nd skill can be accepted.
Don't get a bloodstone. Add a Medallion, giving you mana regen and +/- armor, when you a stomping a hero. only cost 1k.
I agree with you on many levels. First off the Bloodstone was a bad idea, I haven't perfected the ultra late game as the match is usually over by that time. It's been removed. Also, I agree 100% about an earlier BKB, I'm going to experiment with it tonight, I'm thinking removing the Cloak and Ring of Regen and instead buying an Ogre Axe, as the additional HP and HP Regen provided by it will accomplish the same things as the Cloak and Ring of Regen while building towards a more useful item.
That said, I disagree with your skill build. Blur is the best ability Mortred has and farming is not a problem with the survivability it offers and some decent last-hit micromanagement. With level 4 Blur you can stand toe-to-toe with a Mid-Carry Viper and come out on top. Delaying Coup de Grace is an interesting idea, I'll play with it, but I still believe it's better to get it right away as 350 damage a crit at level 6 is a massive amount of damage at that time of game, coupled with the high level of blur allowing you to really get in an enemy's face even with low HP, it really can mean the difference between life and death, whereas upgrading Stifling Dagger at that point would not.
Hood of Defiance won't stop CC and probably won't save your life anyways. The way I see it, going Hood of Defiance delays your Black King Bar without any significant benefits. Dropping more than a single point into Blur early game is also really, really bad.
And just what do are you expecting a late-game Bloodstone to do anyways?
I understand why you did this build - but for Mort is not practical.
You mentioned 'skill scaling' per level with her Blink Strike.
Based on that argument, her dagger (as you mentioned) scales very well, surely you would level that first? particular because of the low mana cost, allowing you to farm.
Grab 1 level of Blur early, is good (probably level 4 / 5), as you will also disappear from enemy minimaps which has it's benefits especially during a gank/clash. (and begin to blur when enemies are near, so you may have half a second to escape a gank.) You also mentioned you are weak against nukes - so getting max blur, doesn't help you.
Generally you don't need your SS at level 6, as you are still farming. Grabbing it after you have maxed first and 2nd skill can be accepted.
Don't get a bloodstone. Add a Medallion, giving you mana regen and +/- armor, when you a stomping a hero. only cost 1k.
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I agree with you on many levels. First off the Bloodstone was a bad idea, I haven't perfected the ultra late game as the match is usually over by that time. It's been removed. Also, I agree 100% about an earlier BKB, I'm going to experiment with it tonight, I'm thinking removing the Cloak and Ring of Regen and instead buying an Ogre Axe, as the additional HP and HP Regen provided by it will accomplish the same things as the Cloak and Ring of Regen while building towards a more useful item.
That said, I disagree with your skill build. Blur is the best ability Mortred has and farming is not a problem with the survivability it offers and some decent last-hit micromanagement. With level 4 Blur you can stand toe-to-toe with a Mid-Carry Viper and come out on top. Delaying Coup de Grace is an interesting idea, I'll play with it, but I still believe it's better to get it right away as 350 damage a crit at level 6 is a massive amount of damage at that time of game, coupled with the high level of blur allowing you to really get in an enemy's face even with low HP, it really can mean the difference between life and death, whereas upgrading Stifling Dagger at that point would not.
Thank you for your comment!
I get the graph (after looking at in 3 times, over a 5 minute coffee haha) and we are looking at the probability of being hit by a 'physical attack' - again, better survivability, but I doubt at level 7 you could go toe-to-toe, 1 on 1 with viper. Her ulti is magical damage, you won't dodge that!
The problem isn't the skill blur - I agree it's a great skill, its just at level 7 - stifling dagger is better. 4 second 50% slow.
But as you say, it is situational. I only played dota2 mortred for the first time yesterday - and lost - [haha] it was a pub so that's my excuse. Anyway - I noticed that Mort needs greater attack speed over everthing else. A clash needs to begin before Mort turns up - if she's there, before or during - you're going to get shat on. Mort is what I like to call clean up crew - unlike FV or Spec where you going in guns blazing and skill like mad - Mort needs to wait for a clash to start, skills to go off, and then slice some1 away with that beautiful crit.
Also think of the purpose of blur - and what it does.
Blur is supposed to keep you alive when they are attacking you. NOT when you are attacking them. the 2 scenario's are very different - you don't dive on an enemy player, hoping you would dodge his attacks.
But you hope you dodge attacks, when you get ganked, or you are targetted by the enemy during clashes (after they have used skills). You're trying to use the skill for aggresive purposes, which is what it isn't desgined for.
I understand why you did this build - but for Mort is not practical.
You mentioned 'skill scaling' per level with her Blink Strike.
Based on that argument, her dagger (as you mentioned) scales very well, surely you would level that first? particular because of the low mana cost, allowing you to farm.
Grab 1 level of Blur early, is good (probably level 4 / 5), as you will also disappear from enemy minimaps which has it's benefits especially during a gank/clash. (and begin to blur when enemies are near, so you may have half a second to escape a gank.) You also mentioned you are weak against nukes - so getting max blur, doesn't help you.
Generally you don't need your SS at level 6, as you are still farming. Grabbing it after you have maxed first and 2nd skill can be accepted.
Don't get a bloodstone. Add a Medallion, giving you mana regen and +/- armor, when you a stomping a hero. only cost 1k.
I agree with you on many levels. First off the Bloodstone was a bad idea, I haven't perfected the ultra late game as the match is usually over by that time. It's been removed. Also, I agree 100% about an earlier BKB, I'm going to experiment with it tonight, I'm thinking removing the Cloak and Ring of Regen and instead buying an Ogre Axe, as the additional HP and HP Regen provided by it will accomplish the same things as the Cloak and Ring of Regen while building towards a more useful item.
That said, I disagree with your skill build. Blur is the best ability Mortred has and farming is not a problem with the survivability it offers and some decent last-hit micromanagement. With level 4 Blur you can stand toe-to-toe with a Mid-Carry Viper and come out on top. Delaying Coup de Grace is an interesting idea, I'll play with it, but I still believe it's better to get it right away as 350 damage a crit at level 6 is a massive amount of damage at that time of game, coupled with the high level of blur allowing you to really get in an enemy's face even with low HP, it really can mean the difference between life and death, whereas upgrading Stifling Dagger at that point would not.
Thank you for your comment!
And just what do are you expecting a late-game
You mentioned 'skill scaling' per level with her Blink Strike.
Based on that argument, her dagger (as you mentioned) scales very well, surely you would level that first? particular because of the low mana cost, allowing you to farm.
Grab 1 level of Blur early, is good (probably level 4 / 5), as you will also disappear from enemy minimaps which has it's benefits especially during a gank/clash. (and begin to blur when enemies are near, so you may have half a second to escape a gank.) You also mentioned you are weak against nukes - so getting max blur, doesn't help you.
Generally you don't need your SS at level 6, as you are still farming. Grabbing it after you have maxed first and 2nd skill can be accepted.
Don't get a bloodstone. Add a Medallion, giving you mana regen and +/- armor, when you a stomping a hero. only cost 1k.