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1 , using tangoes , is really my personal opinion of playing him . What I mean is , I'd get that compared to clarities .
2 , like I said , I've never ever made a guide before , so I'm just experimenting ideas from different players of Lycan and see the response from this forum .
3 , I honestly have NEVER played Lycan with ANY other items that BKB , abyssal . Nothing else really .
4 , Yes i agree my statement is really bad .. I'll change it soon :)
Also your core includes a shivas guard (bad) and a sheepstick (also bad) but doesn't even mention a desolator which is one of lycans best choices as it gives tons of damage and also strips 6 armor from towers which improves his push power significantly. I have played a lot of lycan and I have never purchased an eye of skadi simply because for it's outrageously high price it doesn't compete with other lycan items. with a medallion you shouldn't be having too much mana issues and for the price of a eye you could have a level 3 necronom or a heart with some cash left over. Lycan is a powerful mid to mid-late carry and a eye of skadi is a huge investment that simply won't pay off for lycan.
Also you put radiance on there as if it isn't a **** item for lycan. Lycan scales insanely well with strength to the point where the 40 strength from a heart actually gives ~58 damage and 4100g for a deso is going to benefit a lycan more than a more expensive radiance due to the armor pen. There is absolutely no reason to ever purchase a radiance on lycan.
Also you should reconsider your bkb being MUST NO EXCEPTIONS. Often it isn't worth the money. If they have good disables absolutely, but against a team without very good disables it isn't necessary for anything other than pushing through tower fort. The main strength behind the bkb is that it allows you to push towers with no fear because it will allow you to ult/bkb and run off nearly unstoppably. If they can't stop you anyway or you are filling the role of main carry on a team that is doing coordinated pushes where it is more important for you to muscle over their team and push the tower fast then a deso or quick basher will benefit you more than a bkb.
"This is how you're supposed to assist your teammates .
Stand from afar , always come in the middle but not when 2 or more have died , thats too late . Youre supposed to come in JUST before one is about to die and kill them all ." lol what the ****? Did you just put your official strategy for a carry as "wait until your team has won the fight then come in and KS all of the gold and xp? You're the ****ing carry you should go in right after the initiation especially if you have a bkb.