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19 Votes

Lycanthrope - I'm Beginning To Feel Like I'm a Rat God, Rat God. (Jungle Build) Updated for 6.84

May 5, 2015 by Miyamura
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Blubbles (13) | April 29, 2016 4:12pm
Very nice guide, organized, logical. +1. Also consider Lone Druid for a ally since his bear and possible necrobook units get the damage.
Vapor24 (1) | April 29, 2016 1:51pm
Lycan's wolfs now only deal 75% damage to roshan as of 6.87 *Cries*. Roshan armor typed changed from basic to hero :(
Vapor24 (1) | April 29, 2016 1:46pm
Bro you totally butchered rap god *cringe*. In the song it says "I'm beginning to feel like a rap god, rap god." It does not say "I'm beginning to feel like I'M a rap god, rap god. Please fix your title to "feel like a rat god, rat god" and not "feel like I'M a rat god, rat god" I mean come on you ruined it!!! lol
destroyer0117 | May 19, 2015 12:10pm
Miyamura wrote:

I think it's actually useless, because it late game you should be alone breaking their base,not at team fights. Also you should be using your BoTs to TP unto wolves to back door, so BoTs Lvl 2 is useless.

Ok I thought as much. Thanks.
Miyamura | May 19, 2015 2:50am

ok thanks for the advice. Now, do you think the upgrade to BoT is worth it? If so, when do you think I should buy it, (e.g. after which items).

I think it's actually useless, because it late game you should be alone breaking their base,not at team fights. Also you should be using your BoTs to TP unto wolves to back door, so BoTs Lvl 2 is useless.
destroyer0117 | May 18, 2015 3:05pm
Miyamura wrote:

No, no. AC gives you a very special ability: The ability to rat through backdoor protection. See that 90hp regen? Yeah, no. Im not even kidding. You can take racks and towers THROUGH BACKDOOR PROTECTION with an AC. Deso doesn't give you that. AC first. Deso is the icing on the cake.

Moon shard... Could work, as a decent 6th item I guess. This build is focused on aura stacking to max dps of summoned units. In fact, 70% of your whole dps comes from wolves and necro units in this build. Moon shard boosts your hero dps, not really something I put emphasis on. Aura stack armour reduction is the way to go on the path of the rat.

I think once you complete your moon shard and consume it, you can buy either Radiance, or Abyssal. Depends. If you need to fight through e.g. NP units, Radiance. If you balling out of control and want to hit like a truck, Abyssal. I should mention, Abyssal flat damage has been nerfed, thus IMO Radiance and Abyssal are equally situational.

Lifesteal does not work on buildings.

I think BKB is pretty good if they have heavy lockdown instead of your mood shard build.

ok thanks for the advice. Now, do you think the upgrade to BoT is worth it? If so, when do you think I should buy it, (e.g. after which items).
Miyamura | May 18, 2015 5:33am

Ok thanks. Also, since Desolator's price has been reduced, I've been wondering if its worth getting that first after necro 3 and before AC or getting AC before deso. I usually end up only buying one, because by then the game has ended. Which order is slightly better? Deso>AC or AC>Deso? Also, what's your opinion on Moon Shard on Lycan? Is the huge attack speed slightly more worth than Deso armor debuff and AC aura? Should I get that before AC/Deso, or should I even get it at all? Side note; do you think upgrading the BoT to lvl 2 is worth it? If so, when is the ideal time to upgrade it? Lastly, I was wondering if for my sixth slot, after I have Necro 3, BoT 2, Deso, AC, and moon shard, if I should buy Satanic or another Moon shard instead since I enjoy pushing more than fighting. Then, I could always consume a Moon shard and buy another one. Also, I'm not sure about abyssal blade for sixth slot, as I do not fight as much as push. Is Moon shard the best sixth slot, or Abyssal, or satanic? Does lifesteal from Satanic work on buildings? What do you think I should get for my sixth item? I apologize for all the questions, but I do enjoy rat Lycan and you are one of the few people who wrote a complete pushing guide so I thought you would be the one to ask. Thanks.

No, no. AC gives you a very special ability: The ability to rat through backdoor protection. See that 90hp regen? Yeah, no. Im not even kidding. You can take racks and towers THROUGH BACKDOOR PROTECTION with an AC. Deso doesn't give you that. AC first. Deso is the icing on the cake.

Moon shard... Could work, as a decent 6th item I guess. This build is focused on aura stacking to max dps of summoned units. In fact, 70% of your whole dps comes from wolves and necro units in this build. Moon shard boosts your hero dps, not really something I put emphasis on. Aura stack armour reduction is the way to go on the path of the rat.

I think once you complete your moon shard and consume it, you can buy either Radiance, or Abyssal. Depends. If you need to fight through e.g. NP units, Radiance. If you balling out of control and want to hit like a truck, Abyssal. I should mention, Abyssal flat damage has been nerfed, thus IMO Radiance and Abyssal are equally situational.

Lifesteal does not work on buildings.

I think BKB is pretty good if they have heavy lockdown instead of your mood shard build.
destroyer0117 | May 18, 2015 1:20am
Miyamura wrote:

I personally believe that BoTs first is better, it allows you to have higher MS than most heroes I the mid game, and gives you free tps. It also allows you to move from one place to another faster and farm the whole map, rat earlier. That is worthy more than the mana and survivability Necro gives you (of course with extra dps coming from Necro units)

IMO BoTs first is better.

Ok thanks. Also, since Desolator's price has been reduced, I've been wondering if its worth getting that first after necro 3 and before AC or getting AC before deso. I usually end up only buying one, because by then the game has ended. Which order is slightly better? Deso>AC or AC>Deso? Also, what's your opinion on Moon Shard on Lycan? Is the huge attack speed slightly more worth than Deso armor debuff and AC aura? Should I get that before AC/Deso, or should I even get it at all? Side note; do you think upgrading the BoT to lvl 2 is worth it? If so, when is the ideal time to upgrade it? Lastly, I was wondering if for my sixth slot, after I have Necro 3, BoT 2, Deso, AC, and moon shard, if I should buy Satanic or another Moon shard instead since I enjoy pushing more than fighting. Then, I could always consume a Moon shard and buy another one. Also, I'm not sure about abyssal blade for sixth slot, as I do not fight as much as push. Is Moon shard the best sixth slot, or Abyssal, or satanic? Does lifesteal from Satanic work on buildings? What do you think I should get for my sixth item? I apologize for all the questions, but I do enjoy rat Lycan and you are one of the few people who wrote a complete pushing guide so I thought you would be the one to ask. Thanks.
Miyamura | May 17, 2015 2:30pm

Great guide! +1 from me. However, I have one question. After I obtain my vlads and solo rosh, should I buy Necro 1, then proceed to BoT, or hold off BoT until I've completed Necro 3?

I personally believe that BoTs first is better, it allows you to have higher MS than most heroes in the mid game, and gives you free tps. It also allows you to move from one place to another faster and farm the whole map, rat earlier. That is worth more than the mana and survivability Necro gives you (of course with extra dps coming from Necro units)

IMO BoTs first is better.
destroyer0117 | May 17, 2015 2:17am
Great guide! +1 from me. However, I have one question. After I obtain my vlads and solo rosh, should I buy Necro 1, then proceed to BoT, or hold off BoT until I've completed Necro 3?
Bukler (1) | May 5, 2015 7:38pm
After playing some matches of lycan when nobody gaved a **** that I melted all the towers, got mega creeps and did an incredible backcap with the cour and also proving gold from rosh... I got 6 reports from the other team too...
I looked for guides, I found this new one, I started looking at the builds, they weren't bad at all, I started reading "a quote", I cried, I didn't even finished it yet but it's fullfield with not bad at all tips and reason why this and not that, it'is already in my favorites and of course

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