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7 Votes

lycan 's jungle ( with a kotl )

August 1, 2012 by p0ip0i
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Starbucks 64 (3) | August 7, 2012 8:34am
Lycan can jungle and solo lane, but is ineffective duel lane. He is mostly jungle though, and about the syllabear, he is better solo, lycan is better jungle. Though they have similar abilites, they are completely different heroes.
Jonathan Hancock (2) | August 4, 2012 1:06pm
Kotl isn't that necessary.
LiLPr0 (9) | August 4, 2012 11:15am
Whated wrote:

It's really funny how people don't know anything about dota or dota's mechanics here. Lycan lane doesn't work well. Lycan jungle does.

Lycan lane doesn't work well? It's like saying Syllabear jungle > lane.
Great F8 (3) | August 3, 2012 2:24pm
jaslam wrote:

Easier idea.. both kotl and lycan jungle..
KOTL stacks the strong camp, and helps lycan jungle for level.

3-4 stacks - and a couple of charges will take that ***** down, and leavel the stronger creeps with 100hp or so, and let lycan take them.. there's loads of jungling 'tools' the problem with this is team synergy - while kotl charges, lycan attacks - people run and move, the charge will probably miss rofl..

dark seer smoke jungle stack is the bst though.

Smoke of Deceit assisted jungling has been patched out.

"Neutrals damaged by an invisible enemy will now try to run away."
jaslam (21) | August 3, 2012 7:39am
Easier idea.. both kotl and lycan jungle..
KOTL stacks the strong camp, and helps lycan jungle for level.

3-4 stacks - and a couple of charges will take that ***** down, and leavel the stronger creeps with 100hp or so, and let lycan take them.. there's loads of jungling 'tools' the problem with this is team synergy - while kotl charges, lycan attacks - people run and move, the charge will probably miss rofl..

dark seer smoke jungle stack is the bst though.
cooldanman22 | August 2, 2012 4:15pm
This is a good idea, but it's not worth making a guide to tell us.
Whated (12) | August 2, 2012 2:31am
It's really funny how people don't know anything about dota or dota's mechanics here. Lycan lane doesn't work well. Lycan jugnle does.

And you offensive kids why did he make a guide... Why the **** not? He just shares the idea with Kotl...

And my earlier comment got deleted. Nice freedom of speech.
LiLPr0 (9) | August 2, 2012 1:55am
A good lycan goes lane not jungle
p0ip0i | August 1, 2012 11:08pm
i thank all of you for these comments.
To respond to dePhongster, i created a guide because i'm new and i didn't know there was a forum to post things like this.
And yeah the keeper of the light might not care about you, well in this case yell at him and he'll do it :p just joking, if he doesn't to help get a basilius ASAP.
daPhongster (8) | August 1, 2012 10:55pm
I don't understand why you had to create a guide to tell us this. Just post on the forums or something.

Anyway, being able to spam wolves summoning would be pretty convenient. This way, you will always be at full health, in case of ganks.

The only problem I see with this is that some keepers might not put points to it. I'm not saying this is common, just possible.
Great F8 (3) | August 1, 2012 2:39pm
Not a bad idea, might test sometime and see how much Chakra Magic support influences your GPM/XPM.
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