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4 Votes

Luna: Turn the Tides of War

November 11, 2013 by Zarathustra_USA
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enderarms (1) | November 22, 2013 1:20am
I sometimes get Shadow Blade for 3 reasons :
1. Attack speed and damage can never go wrong on an agi carry
2. You are mainly relying on your movespeed for escapes, so if you are slowed then u = dead. Also most likely the enemy won't buy wards [pub] so you are safe.
3. Eclipse + Shadow Blade's active. You shoot beams while invisible.

But well done on the rest of the build!
LegendOfAGuest | November 11, 2013 1:49pm

Good point! Out of personal playing style, I don't stack creeps very often. But it's certainly a solid strategy. I'll try to work it into the next update of the guide.

Worst comes to worst, take control of a creep and make him act like a ward or a BoTs hot spot :3
Zarathustra_USA | November 11, 2013 1:37pm

Normally when I play her I start with a ring of protection, 3 iron wood branchs, tangos and a salve. Then get ring of basi(For the mana regen for myself and my lane partner and a bit more early damage) boots, then rush into a HotD(Getting helm of iron will first). After I have HotD, I grab a big jungle creep and send him to my teams ancients to start stacking them for later. And in most pubs people don't try to steal them/stop it from happening. Like I can almost get a yasha in a stack that has been stacked 4-5 times.

One of the main issues I had with you getting HotD was that you were not using the creep at all. Luna has one of the best stack killing skills with her glaives, and you aren't using it to it fullest.

Good point! Out of personal playing style, I don't stack creeps very often. But it's certainly a solid strategy. I'll try to work it into the next update of the guide.
LegendOfAGuest | November 11, 2013 1:30pm
Normally when I play her I start with a ring of protection, 3 iron wood branchs, tangos and a salve. Then get ring of basi(For the mana regen for myself and my lane partner and a bit more early damage) boots, then rush into a HotD(Getting helm of iron will first). After I have HotD, I grab a big jungle creep and send him to my teams ancients to start stacking them for later. And in most pubs people don't try to steal them/stop it from happening. Like I can almost get a yasha in a stack that has been stacked 4-5 times.

One of the main issues I had with you getting HotD was that you were not using the creep at all. Luna has one of the best stack killing skills with her glaives, and you aren't using it to it fullest.
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