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5 Votes

Luna - Safe , but deadly -

December 19, 2012 by Speedy
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SuperNova (16) | December 19, 2012 6:42pm
LiLPr0 wrote:

did you just say Zhou's build is bad? tsktstsk

Its not bad its just that half the time someone else will get drums and a point booster is better for health and mana. Its good.
Speedy | December 19, 2012 10:02am
SuperNova wrote:

You say you get drums for hp and mana. that makes no sense. Point booster is cheaper and more efficient and you can use it to build into a scepter/skadi. Plus drums are usually picked up by supports or hero's who really benefit from it like Barathrum. You can get it on luna but not if your team already contains a hero who you know will buy it. if you want good movespeed i would recommend Phase boots then yasha. Also you don't need to copy/paste the lore and skill descriptions. people can easily get them themselves by clicking on the icons. The skilling is solid and efficient, none of that max glaive first ********. also i like the idea of tranquils,shield and wand but seeing as luna has mana problems and is squishy. the bonuses from aquila would be very useful early game so i think that you should add them to the 'early game' item list. great job on writing this guide +1. appeals to me and how i play luna, also i honestly think you need to change the title. luna is a hard carry and that's the way you play her and people already know it as that kind of information is stored on the hero profiles on the site database.

Thanks for the support . I added now a new title and Phase boots and also Mjollnir in the late game.
LiLPr0 (9) | December 19, 2012 8:39am
SuperNova wrote:

You say you get drums for hp and mana. that makes no sense. Point booster is cheaper and more efficient and you can use it to build into a scepter/skadi. Plus drums are usually picked up by supports or hero's who really benefit from it like Barathrum. You can get it on luna but not if your team already contains a hero who you know will buy it. if you want good movespeed i would recommend Phase boots then yasha. Also you don't need to copy/paste the lore and skill descriptions. people can easily get them themselves by clicking on the icons. The skilling is solid and efficient, none of that max glaive first ********. also i like the idea of tranquils,shield and wand but seeing as luna has mana problems and is squishy. the bonuses from aquila would be very useful early game so i think that you should add them to the 'early game' item list. great job on writing this guide +1. appeals to me and how i play luna, also i honestly think you need to change the title. luna is a hard carry and that's the way you play her and people already know it as that kind of information is stored on the hero profiles on the site database.

did you just say Zhou's build is bad? tsktstsk
SuperNova (16) | December 19, 2012 7:09am
You say you get drums for hp and mana. that makes no sense. Point booster is cheaper and more efficient and you can use it to build into a scepter/skadi. Plus drums are usually picked up by supports or hero's who really benefit from it like Barathrum. You can get it on luna but not if your team already contains a hero who you know will buy it. if you want good movespeed i would recommend Phase boots then yasha. Also you don't need to copy/paste the lore and skill descriptions. people can easily get them themselves by clicking on the icons. The skilling is solid and efficient, none of that max glaive first ********. also i like the idea of tranquils,shield and wand but seeing as luna has mana problems and is squishy. the bonuses from aquila would be very useful early game so i think that you should add them to the 'early game' item list. great job on writing this guide +1. appeals to me and how i play luna, also i honestly think you need to change the title. luna is a hard carry and that's the way you play her and people already know it as that kind of information is stored on the hero profiles on the site database.
Speedy | December 18, 2012 2:39pm
OneHalf wrote:

I dont think Yasha speed stacks with Drums, or the other way around.

Yes it stacks , it's not the same aura :).
Nubtrain (58) | December 18, 2012 2:36pm
OneHalf wrote:

I dont think Yasha speed stacks with Drums, or the other way around.

It does stack, Yasha doesn't stack with another Yasha, Manta Style or Sange and Yasha, it's in the description
OneHalf (10) | December 18, 2012 2:30pm
I dont think Yasha speed stacks with Drums, or the other way around.
zakisslackin (1) | December 18, 2012 10:21am
So far what I'm seeing is good. You have the early sustain in the early game and turn it into speed and damage late game. The only thing I can see helping more than the Boots of Travel are the Phase Boots. Indeed, that it's not overall faster but the the ability that lets you go through would be better since this is a semi-carry build

But overall, Keep up the good work.

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