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Luna Moonfang - a graceful warrior that cuts enemy like fang

April 26, 2015 by The Moonrider
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michimatsch (26) | May 2, 2015 8:09pm
ugh they posted a guide in a guide.
Anyways...what about the upgraded Lothars Edge?
If there is an enemy Bristleback or a Troll Warlord it could be useful
Bukler (1) | April 30, 2015 9:19am
Diocanato (2) | April 29, 2015 3:15pm
I agree with everything the others said before me.
1 The bkb is core. Luna needs to evade nukes and have damage and life. Nothing is better. I usually take it actually before manta, cause random fights are so importants in this patch and bkb gives you the power to rightclick a whole team to death.
2 evasion. Have 3 ways to evade with Luna. Map awareness, map awareness and bkb + tp but is a late game sheeeat. Dominator is so much better investment instead of a shadowblade (that i don't dislike totally, is something you might use in some cases). Dominator provides you a familiar. If you know you need a lot of farm, you can use your familiar to scout the jungle in order to avoid ganks, or stack ancient that is something you NEED. Everyone needs actually.
I think i am the first to write it here, in every review but i wont be the only one. Is over powered. You can kill someone 3000 units away. You can send your ulti on grounds or even in enemy fountain, you can concentrate it on a friend hero like riki that will move with the other team.
And stats man. You love stats. Your copies loves stats, you need mana, life, agility. Everything. Also you will force others to make bkb. True, probably carries would make it anyway but supports will die hard and, you know, bkb is the item you don't wanna buy cause other stats item are better but you will always need to buy.
Your first guide is good. You understood the pg and i liked your modesty. Is the best way to improve. I liked when you said "But its important for newbies such as me" regarding shadow blade. Always remember who are you facing. Even Dendi is going to make Sb if he knows that no one will buy a dust. But when they do...
Another thing. Wall of text. Not a big problen for me but add some colors, some pictures.
Gj anyway.
apaz (17) | April 28, 2015 12:13am
Okay, so I've been playing a lot of Luna lately, and the hero is kind of strange. The only heroes that sort of fit into the same category as her are Anti Mage, Alchemist (Sort of), and Sven. These are heroes that need a good start, but once they have their farming item, they farm crazy fast, build up a crazy gold advantage, and win. They scale into the late game well, but not as well as other carries without a farming mechanism, like Faceless Void and Phantom Assassin, the classic hard carries. They also usually have that farming mechanism. Luna's are Moon Glaive and Lunar Blessing. Lunar Blessing gives you superior las hitting powers in the early game for you to rush your farming item, the Helm of the Dominator. Once you get it, you should go to the jungle and dominate the biggest creep there, preferably the large satyr. You can use it to stack camps, which your Moon Glaives will later decimate. You can jungle ludicrously fast if you stack either the large camp or the ancients every minute. That leaves your hero free to clear out the rest of the jungle every minute. Generally speaking, after you get that Helm of the Dominator, your farming speed should go crazy. After the helm you should probably go for a Yasha. Since Luna (used to) have the largest base movement speed in the game, she benefits the most from percentage base movement speed items like Yasha. If the enemy team is taking fights, though, and your team is behind, I would recommend a Drum of Endurance over Yasha. It is still a percentage based movement speed item, and it gives you the HP that you need to survive in fights. It makes a difference, especially with the active. If you don't want to fight, though, you should get the Yasha for more farming speed. It lets you clear the jungle(Exept the ancients, which get stacked) every minute. Generally, around this time, you'll want to look for a solo pickoff with your Eclipse. A good way to do this is to ambush those who go for runes. To do this without dying, you usually need a Black King Bar and a Town Portal Scroll. Get kill, BKB, and walk or TP away. Only BKB if absolutely necessary though, because you don't want to waste duration. After tha, you usually want to finish a Manta Style, for two reasons. Reason one is that you need DPS, which means agility. Reason two is that you need survivability, and it gives a little bit of that. After that, since your HP is still extremely low, and you want to fight, because you have an insane gold lead from farming so well. The build kind of diverges here, but I usually end up getting Eye of Skadi, because it gives everything that you need. It gives LOTS of HP, some DPS, and that crazy slow. It also makes your Manta Style illusions stronger, and stacks completely with Helm o the Dominator. not only that, but you have tons of armor. Because of that, the HP given by Eye of Skadi is insanely efficient. With a Skadi, you are sort of competent as far as HP goes. A Satanic is good here, and so is Butterfly. If their damage is mostly magical, get the Satanic. If it is mostly physical, get the Butterfly. Always have a buyback ready, and perhaps a buyback plus Boots of Travel. If you have this, get the other from the Satanic vs. Butterfly. You are now at where Luna peaks off. The good news is, that they are probably behind compared to you, because of their farming mechanisms not being as good as yours is. Eventually, though, they will surpass you. You ned to finish the game before that happens. Force a fight, and pray for a good one.

This is the most common way to play the hero, and probably the most effective. Other ways, like getting Mask of Madness instead of Helm of the Dominator are interesting and situationally useful, but probably not the best way to play the hero. I kind of put my own personal spin on it as far as itemization goes, but I think that, after a bit of math, it is the best build. I could be very wrong, though.

The reason why you don't see a Shadow Blade is because it sucks as escape. As you advance in levels in the game, and your MMR gets higher, you will find that competent/higher skill players buy dust. As far as escape goes, Shadow Blade is a 3000 gold item made useless by a 180 gold item. A Black King Bar + TP scroll is a better escape. A Drum of Endurance is also very good too. The active makes you feel like you got a haste rune. Invisibility isn't an escape, but there isn't much that can be done about movement speed plus BKB.

Aghanim's Scepter is legit, but it doesn't really fit in with your playstyle, and is easily countered by Eul's Scepter and Black King Bar, some of the most common items in the game. If they don't have those, the item is awesome, though.
The Moonrider | April 27, 2015 2:31pm
Thanks a lot for your patience to explain all these to me!
MrLocket (16) | April 27, 2015 2:26pm
I don't think Luna needs an escape mechanism, just get a Black King Bar/ Manta Style and the enemy should be the one who running away from you. Eclipse before 30:00 is scary.

Before you have any kind of damage item, it's wise to stay back and farm safely because you can't melt tower with moon glaive just yet, additional damage from Lunar Blessing are much useful than moon glaive in most case. Also, the bounching glaive from moon glaive can sometimes affects your CS.
Xyrus (104) | April 27, 2015 1:49pm

With Static Farming, you only get 8CS per minute
what do 'CS' and 'Static Farming' mean?

CS == Creep Score

In other words, getting 8 CS per minute means you get an average of 8 last hits every minute.

Static Farming is carefully Last Hitting and Denying, and even auto-attacking friendly and enemy Creeps in order to keep the Creep Wave at an ideal position (just outside of your Tower's firing range).

about that shadow blade, due to my really unsufficient experience, i often need a escaping mechanism , so it is one of my core item to survive (lol i know i am noob...).

Shadow Blade is actually a terrible Escape Mechanism. All the other Team has to do is buy Dust of Appearance and you lose the Invisibility and most of the Bonus Movement Speed. Sadly building any Escape Mechanism on Luna delays Core items too much.

Luna is strongest around 25:00 - 35:00, so you need to have Black King Bar + another major Item or 2 by this point.

The best way to survive as Luna is to keep an eye on the map and always back off if you're alone and enough of the enemy team is missing.
ElDiablo (10) | April 27, 2015 1:26pm
The first sentence means that if you take moon glaives early, you will push the lane because you will be damaging multiple creeps at the same time.

Second, you should only skill glaives early if you are against dark seer, because dark seer will push the lane a lot which means thst your tower will die early which means that it's a lot riskier to farm in that lane because they can gank you by using your jungle.

CS= creep score= the ammount of killed creeps (last hits)

Static farm= you just sit in your lane, last hitting creeps (i'm not 100% sure about this one)
The Moonrider | April 27, 2015 1:11pm
Erm, thanks for the comments that you guys given to me, but there is something that i dont understand..:

'Moon Glaives so early tends to push the wave. Ya know?'
What do this sentence mean? I mean, can someone explain this to me with a longer sentence?

'think you should only skill glaives so early if you are against a dark sheer for counterpush but otherwise i shouldn't do that'
this too..

With Static Farming, you only get 8CS per minute
what do 'CS' and 'Static Farming' mean?

Thank you!
about that shadow blade, due to my really unsufficient experience, i often need a escaping mechanism , so it is one of my core item to survive (lol i know i am noob...).
KoDyAbAbA (65) | April 26, 2015 5:28pm
i did say, "not that much different" didn't i ?:D

I apologise for not explaining much, i dont like using the mobile site very much :/.
Xyrus (104) | April 26, 2015 5:19pm
TheSofa wrote:

Moon Glaives so early tends to push the wave. Ya know?

The Frosto wrote:

think you should only skill glaives so early if you are against a dark sheer for counterpush but otherwise i shouldn't do that

This isn't always true, especially not for Luna. Static Farming is great if you want to secure Last Hits in your Lane, but once you have Moon Glaives, you can think about Pushing out the Creep Wave, clearing it as fast as you can, then clearing out a Jungle Camp.

With Static Farming, you only get 8CS per minute, but by Pushing and Farming the nearby Jungle Camps with Glaives, you can easily double it with the right Camps, earning 12 to 16CS per minute. Add in a little bit of Stacking and this is how you break 800GPM on Luna.

The only question is, "do you have enough space to Push and Farm the Jungle?". If not, stick to Static Farming and save levelling Moon Glaives for later. If so, Push and Farm like a baws. <}3

P.S. This is why Mask of Madness is such a good Item on Luna, it allows you to Push and clear Camps insanely Fast early on.
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

for a level 1 scrub, your build is not much different from the build that top level players go.

except for the situational bkb.Its core.CORE.

This ^ ...also Shadow Blade is in no way Core on Luna. It's suited to Heroes who run around Ganking that want to sneak over to an easy target, or occasionally on Initiators who want to get close to land their Abilities, but are concerned they'll be spotted before they can close the Gap with Blink Dagger.

Eclipse -> Shadow Blade is fun for Trolling scrubs though. X{D
The Frosto (14) | April 26, 2015 4:18pm
think you should only skill glaives so early if you are against a dark sheer for counterpush but otherwise i shouldn't do that
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