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94 Votes

Loveless' Guide to Spirit Breaker

September 23, 2013 by LuvLes
Comments: 59    |    Views: 580726    |   

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RATE THIS HIGHLY | October 31, 2015 3:28pm
LuvLes wrote:

To be honest, the hero does suck. I hoped by putting this up it might mitigate that, but I doubt it.

I understand why people say this, but recently he has been a very powerful pick in pro games because of his stunlocking and ganking potential. Idk, I don't play him much, but I respect him as a hero.
Professor Heisenberg | April 27, 2015 7:01pm
great guide, thank you very much!
wherepiewhere | January 11, 2015 5:56am
this works really well never played SB before using this guide won 2 game sin a row!!
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | August 5, 2014 5:47pm
This guide is outdated. You cannot play Spirit Breaker the way you want anymore.
Eon_Theory (2) | August 5, 2014 4:46pm
No offense, But I really hate the way you set out these guides, it just makes it weird to read. The Core Items are Point Booster, Sange and Treads but the Purchase Order is up the top. And unlike most guides you only give one item build, and no situational items and options which is just bad in my opinion.
bob41k | January 6, 2014 8:35am
Hi. I see your starting items were meant to create Urn of Shadows, but you replaced it with Vanguard. Are starting items still the same considering this replacement?
willywynn | October 3, 2013 10:00am
Well I completely disagree with one thing in this guide, mask of madness is the best item for this char!!!! Who said other wise don't know how to play this char, that item is import because let you make a combo with spirit breaker!!! Like Charge+ultimate+mask or like charge+mask+ultimate, you can kill 2 3 guys in one row and run away. That item allow you to make a combo! Believe me I played with spirit more then 150 matches and I know that. Mask of madness make you really but really fast plus the second skill and the third skill(almost permanent stun hinting!), and also life steal, 30% more damage! Is essential for a spirit breaker have the mask of madness... Without it spirit breaker get killed very easily. For me this char is one of the best chars in the game if you know to play with him. And also my favourite since I start playing with him.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | September 23, 2013 9:29am
If you have replaced Urn of Shadows in for Vanguard, I suggest changing your starting item build to include more inventory space usage. Ironwood Branchs > Gauntlets of Strength in the beginning of the game, and are more cost effective to sell back than Gauntlets of Strength.

Stout Shield is definitely a starting item I always start with on melee carry heroes, like spirit breaker (played as a carry) (though my experience with Spirit Breaker is strictly offlane solo and tri lane support) and for this build will make Vanguard come by far quicker.

I find it interesting you say "empowering haste is what makes this hero as it is the source of his damage" when at max level it only adds a little less that 60 MS to spiritbreaker, which makes up for 25 or so magical damage on Greater Bash.

The combination of a max Greater Bash and Charge of Darkness make up for most of spirit breakers damage, since after 6.78, the target gets greater bashed, which means Charge of Darkness's movespeed is taken into account for the damage dealt to the charge target. This means the biggest bang for your buck is likely to max Greater Bash and Charge of Darkness in lieu of getting any early points into Empowering haste (unless you are offlane, in which case you get empowering haste level 1 so you can push the lane, thus pulling the lane back towards you. ) Empowering Haste is really iffy to get early points in it. It gives you some MS, but getting multiple points is more game dependent. If you happen to be chasing heroes without Charge of Darkness and you can get 10 MS above their MS with additional points in empowering haste, then go for it. That is the only situation I would suggest taking more than one point before everything else is skilled.
dynasty987 (6) | September 23, 2013 7:12am
I don't understand why you don't max bash first. It's the majority of your early game damage.
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