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Don't take it too personal, if you keep playing and get into highskill games, you'll get the hang of it!
Thanks for trying to contribute to the DOTA community though, it seems like your intentions are good.
With that out of the way, in every DOTA2 game I have played to this day, have been of the top 3 players of the game every time excluding when I play Bat Rider and
Regardless of how you play and/or watch professional games because you could only dream of being able to play on that level, my guides work. Maybe not for you or your **** friends, but several people I know have used my guides and even against me, winning. Go ****ing figure, you look at the guides and knock it, but won't try it.
You are the ignorant one here, ruling out everything I say with, "The pros don't do it. Pubs in non-EM don't do it. So you're wrong."
So tell me, who is the more ignorant one or are we both ignorant?
That is right, even though it is your opinion, this build is still wrong.
Just as 1+1 does not equal 3, this build is just not correct.
I think YOU actually need some tips, and the poor folks trying to learn dota are only learning misinformation by reading your guides (that is right, this is not your only incorrect guide).
Tidehunter should NEVER be a primary farmtaker in lane.
I do think that you are perhaps an "easymode" player. If this is the case, the game changes completely, and your build might have more merit.
Please note though, that your build, this guide, and your tidehunter guide are actually so incorrect that it is offensive to me as an experienced dota player, especially knowing that other new players might read this and think they are learning.
Guides like these promote the new players that think they know everything when infact all they know is misinformation and lies.
Please before replying to me, read the following wikipedia article which shows a problem rampant in the dota community (and you are a classic example):
Thank you if you have read my full reply. If you take what I have said to heart, you are a smarter person than I thought you to be.
If you still feel as though your build is in any way good outside of easymode -- may icefrog have mercy on your soul.
If your guide focuses on ganking you should put more priority in the utility items Hamsandwich mentioned, urn and/or bottle.
Further, nukes are good for ganking. So if your guide focuses on ganking you should level the nuke. You can't compare battlefury to urn and bottle, BFury costs 4350$, urn costs 875$. That is a MASSIVE difference.
Just cuz you like this build, doesn't mean you should close your mind to the points other people make. Considering you aren't on a professional team, you still have stuff you can learn from the community.
There is more to going for
875+600=1275, that is more than half the cost of
Again, I can see why you would like the way he or someone else plays, this is proven to work and it has done better than ones I see go the path you speak of.
Either way, you have your
Word's were never said so true. Look's like my post paid off!
Further, nukes are good for ganking. So if your guide focuses on ganking you should level the nuke. You can't compare battlefury to urn and bottle, BFury costs 4350$, urn costs 875$. That is a MASSIVE difference.
Just cuz you like this build, doesn't mean you should close your mind to the points other people make. Considering you aren't on a professional team, you still have stuff you can learn from the community.
Battlefury NS is a joke. Instead, spend your laning gold on a quick urn and then bottle and boots. At night, Balanar will be ganking, so the urn comes in handy to get a quick heal after a successful gank.
Furthermore, Void is your best skill. Max it first. Level Hunter in the Night at level 4/6/8/9.
My guide focuses around his roaming capabilities. All leveling void does is increase how hard it hits, thats it. If you are any good at all, this isn't even needed.
Also, have you any knowledge at all of how game mechanics work or do you just follow what everyone else does? With what one person did this one time and since it worked, that's the only option. With a
Or do you just read numbers, hear the term roaming/ganking, take the different roles together and use that?
Either way, you have your
Furthermore, Void is your best skill. Max it first. Level Hunter in the Night at level 4/6/8/9.
Yes, but for Nightstalker basher seems to be more core because it helps you chase, not unit carry and what not because like I said at night your a fast little f'er so if you void to get close then get that stun with basher their dead in seconds. Without it, you still get the kill, but it takes longer which doesn't let you get the most out of the night and gives you more of a chance of being killed. Also BKB is a sick item on Nightstalker if they have a bunch of stuns because then they can't do ****.
BKB is listed ;)
Anyways, I am against Basher. So many other items take a higher priority in both damage, survivability and utility. If someone is outrunning you with a 4 second slow and/or silence, you are doing something wrong. A good tactic is to get in their path and then start attacking, so you get the most of the slow, then more auto attacks on top of that. The beauty of having
To be honest, the only thing here that I approve of would be when your team doesn't have many stuns. The reason I was saying it was good against a
Yes, but for Nightstalker basher seems to be more core because it helps you chase, not unit carry and what not because like I said at night your a fast little f'er so if you void to get close then get that stun with basher their dead in seconds. Without it, you still get the kill, but it takes longer which doesn't let you get the most out of the night and gives you more of a chance of being killed. Also BKB is a sick item on Nightstalker if they have a bunch of stuns because then they can't do ****.
Situation's for Basher:
- Your team has one or less heroes that have blinks/sprints (for chasing since most people run during night when your buffed - Night Stalker)
- Your team doesn't have many stuns
- Your team doesn't have another hero that usually get basher (AntiMage, Lifestealer, Mortred, Riki etc.)
- You are one of the only carries on your team and you get a few kills at the start, but your team did nothing so to get more kills you'll need that stun.
No matter the situation you really should go basher because it's really good for most situations because usually this happens during ganks.
- Your team runs in (Stuns Damages whatever)
- You come in and void the one running.
- When you catch up since your hero speed and attack speed is very high during night you can catch up quickly and basher allows you to stun them after void.
Void to chase - Passives AT NIGHT to chase - Basher to stop them from running
Also Phase boots help to get through creeps when chasing + more speed at night when activated and Bfury helps you handle groups (since your focused ALOT throughout the game) and also farm.
Something about basher is I really wish it had a active ability. Maybe something like Sven's hammer throw, but not aoe and like 50 damage (same stun time + range). Hey a guy can dream :)
To be honest, the only thing here that I approve of would be when your team doesn't have many stuns. The reason I was saying it was good against a