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35 Votes

Loveless' Guide to Lyralei

December 11, 2011 by LuvLes
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DangerBunny#237028 | June 4, 2012 12:49pm
I'm sorry for being stupid and all, but can someone explain the effect of having an Aghanim's Scepter on her? I really don't understand it and also, in most guides that I have read, the Scepter is left out... So my question really is, when do I get an Aghanim's Scepter for Windrunner?
Russki | February 13, 2012 9:08pm
Awesome build. Just picked up this char as new dota player and won 2 games straight.
UrChesthair (2) | January 23, 2012 12:54am
Stupid skill order, windrun ALWAYS is taken lvl 1-2, it's her escape spell
Aeneas#161783 (4) | January 5, 2012 12:44pm

I will when there is a break in my life that is currently devoted to SWTOR.

You max windrun because you need the survivability as support, the stun is still a fantastic length even at a low level. Also there is not a single item that is more support than Scythe of Vyse.

Lol about SWTOR. Yeah I guess Scythe is pretty supporty, I just always viewed it more as a heavy intelligence item to be gotten on full out casters, which I don't really consider windrunner to be. I see your point though with the cc of it.
LuvLes (32) | January 4, 2012 2:12pm

This guide need some revision. Lots of crossed out things and no second build which you mentioned in a comment. I also think shackleshot should be maxed before windrun, especially if you are going phase and force staff. Also if playing her support, why scyth of vyse? There are many other better support items.

I will when there is a break in my life that is currently devoted to SWTOR.

You max windrun because you need the survivability as support, the stun is still a fantastic length even at a low level. Also there is not a single item that is more support than Scythe of Vyse.
Aeneas#161783 (4) | January 4, 2012 12:56pm
This guide need some revision. Lots of crossed out things and no second build which you mentioned in a comment. I also think shackleshot should be maxed before windrun, especially if you are going phase and force staff. Also if playing her support, why scyth of vyse? There are many other better support items.
Thaniel (4) | December 30, 2011 6:30am
I personally play Windrunner as more of a support-in-lane, pusher-out-of-lane hero, so I tend to max Windrun immediately after Power Shot in order to increase my mobility and thus be able to push multiple lanes at once. Then again, I tend to play with people who pick up a large amount of reliable stun, so my Shackleshot isn't as much of a necessity as it normally would be.
ConMasterFlash (2) | December 30, 2011 12:06am
Thanks for the answers. And I meant the windrun question as why not take it earlier, but it seems like you would only do that against some aggresive early lanes.
ixFusion (8) | December 29, 2011 4:25pm

3 questions about skill order. Why do you wait until 4 to grab a point of windrun? Why do you max windrun before shackleshot? And why do you grab ult levels before 13? All 3 of these are different then what Ive normally seen for Windrunner and I wanted to know your reasoning.

I can help you with a few of them. You grab your ult at 10-11 because that's usually the mid game mark where your team starts to push. Your ult allows your team to push towers quick as you can take the tower in half the time your team normally would.

You wait till 4 to grab a point of Windrun because there is not point to take it earlier. Her power shot is her main skill so you want to get max as fast as possible. Also I usually max Power then Shackle - but he Loveless is a great player and probably has reasons why he takes maxed Windrun over maxed Shackle. I take a point of Windrun early because it allows you to run away from gank/chase/gank
ConMasterFlash (2) | December 29, 2011 1:51pm
3 questions about skill order. Why do you wait until 4 to grab a point of windrun? Why do you max windrun before shackleshot? And why do you grab ult levels before 13? All 3 of these are different then what Ive normally seen for Windrunner and I wanted to know your reasoning.
DanielB | December 29, 2011 10:55am
Nice guide ,nice build work well with ur early harsing
+1 Have fun :)
burgessjkkb | December 7, 2011 10:54am
REALLY love this guide! Always do well with Windrunner, +1.
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