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Tidehunter doesn't need Ravage up to gank in many circumstances. The exception is if you're ganking for a lane with no stuns, against enemies with good escape mechanisms. Or, if you built with Kraken shell, because then you're literally missing half your DPS. He really doesn't need to have ravage up to gank, that's why he's such a popular competitive level roamer. He quite happily roams and ganks at an underleveled rate. And notice how I said underleveled? That's because a heavy roamer does wind up underleveled. Which coming back to Akasha...
This is actually a huge problem. See that's the deal with roaming alot, it's less gold/exp effective than just bunkering down in your solo lane and farming it. Putting aside the point that a lvl3 akasha is next to useless trying to roam and gank unless she finds a DD rune (she has a short 700 range blink, and only does 165 damage on lvl2 scream, and she has no slows, stuns, debuffs or disables of anysort to put the enemy team out of position which is the key part of ganking). On top of that even if she succeeds, she herself is falling behind. She misses out on 2-3 creepwaves during travel time. Consider each creep wave is a potential of about 220ish gold plus exp, even with a hero kill she's falling behind. On top of that she's giving the enemy solo a free farm during this time. When she gets back she'll now be behind on levels and when you're up against a powerful mid like SF, Zues, Puck or the like this is about the last situation you want to be in. And then if you roam to gank a second time? It just gets worse. They're the kind of heroes you don't want to give this free farming breathing room to constantly because they'll snowball and completely take over a game. Akasha is a very level dependant hero. As a nuker she's got a window of opportunity before the lategame to take control. She wants to hit level 7 as fast as possible, gank, get a double kill with maxed nukes, then go back to farming. She needs to snowball and snowball hard.
Even a very very roam happy mid hero that winds up with low CK for a mid like Balanar still has these farming periods that he goes through. Balanar will farm during the day, then gank during the night.
This is why constant roaming duties fall to heroes like Vengeful Spirit, Tide, and Earthshaker. It's ok for them to walk from lane to lane all the time trying to set up kills, they're the kind of hero that can afford to apply constant pressure. They're the sort of hero than can walk away from a game with low CK, a poor KD, no items and a bucket of a assists and say "by god did I rape them that game"
On the same token, you take an Akasha/Storm who's got low CK, no items, and lots of assists and he'll be saying be feeling much more sour because of how ineffective they were.
Well said brother. I just went 5-9-30 last night as tidehunter and owned, haha. Had pipe and mek and arcane boots as well as urn, so anything my friends needed, I was able to help with.
Third the items are awful, no tarrasque and why power treads.
Don't really agree with never leveling kraken shell early, as it is useful to have at least a point in it in some situations.
As far as items go, in most pubs I find it necessary to just go a simple tango, salve, 2 branch, 2 clarity and then I pick up either wards or crow/crow upgrade. Depends on how much additional support is on your team, but no way you can afford to have no regen early.
Finally, I'm personally a fan of using medallion on tide in certain strats, since it's a cheap item and it synergizes well with gush and kraken shell. Situational, but an item that can really help push your roaming or ganking to the next level.
This build is all wrong.
Get kraken shell at level 4, get mana boots not power treads... no need for attack speed. Get pipe before blink.
Stout Shield > level 1 Kraken Shell. Get shoes based on the situation, agree on the attack speed remark though. Pipe before blink results in a very late blink and could cost you the game. The earlier you can devastate with powerful initiations, the better.
Loveless. I like your guide (+1) and honestly learned how to play Tidehunter from it when I was a new to Dota 2. Since then, I have developed my own build and have 2 questions for you. Why do you choose stats over Kraken Shell at level 12? Why don't you get any regeneration items at the start?
Feel free not to answer publicly. I just want to get some ideas into your mind and hopefully see what you think.
Get kraken shell at level 4, get mana boots not power treads... no need for attack speed. Get pipe before blink.
And DON'T farm early game? why not D: