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15 Votes

LordVesper's Guide to GAINING Solo MMR (Positive Mental Attitude)

September 1, 2017 by LordVesper
Comments: 11    |    Views: 30748    |   

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-rGG | May 31, 2018 11:04am
Cant vote on archive content. Good read tho. Thanks man.
WhosNuker (7) | September 5, 2017 7:54am
Really good guide that I think everyone should follow. I feel like you should explain more in why people don't really respect a lot of these things and how they can adjust.
Zdoxjkatt | May 5, 2017 6:38am
Such a good guide!!!
LordVesper (5) | May 8, 2017 2:12am
Thank you! If it's not much to ask, would you like to see more guides like these? What do you think I should improve on? Thanks!
DioX (1) | May 4, 2017 5:52pm
pick support but your team cannot carry

so you pick pusher and try to push barracks while your team stall them you win. easy but since those puny minded toxic players are in the way I think its impossible to win the game... unless the enemy team is also toxic like your team.
LordVesper (5) | May 8, 2017 2:08am
That's the thing. I can safely say that your team is gonna be the same as the enemy team. They'll have pretty weak control over their emotions so you should be the one to rise up and let them learn their place.
DioX (1) | May 4, 2017 5:54pm
1. Make sure that you aren't hungry/thirsty/sleepy/drunk!
Explanation: If you want your body to fully cooperate with you in-game, then you better satisfy it first.

2. Are you in a good mood? Not tilted in any way?
Explanation: Emotions can make or break us. I can assure you that a depressed player can never compete with an inspired one. Negative emotions WILL decrease your skill in-game!
3. No plans anytime soon? Finish your duties in real life first.
Explanation: Worrying about all the things going on in-game is already hard enough. Having to constantly worry about real life too will just make things worse!
4. Last but definitely not the least, DONT STRETCH YOURSELF!
Explanation: There are times that even after 6 games in a row, you still feel happy but... At this point, I can assure you that you aren't at your maximum potential anymore. Until you can get some rest, your chances of winning will decrease as you keep on playing. And since this is MMR we're talking about here, you might wanna reconsider!

omg you have my vote no wonder I can't push well also the emotions, drama, actions and team spirit is here.
LordVesper (5) | May 8, 2017 2:12am
Well hey, if you wanna gain MMR from something else aside from just skill then this will work for ya! I can assure you that a tilted person will end up losing MMR causing them to be even more tilted.
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Hades4u (296) | April 24, 2017 12:29pm
Pretty nice guide, there are some tips that people know but don't really respect, such as being in a good mood and getting enough sleep, these are two that I almost never really respect, lol.

Keep up the good work!
LordVesper (5) | May 8, 2017 2:10am
Got it! I actually took a small break from Dota 2 for awhile but now I'm back and I'll be making more guides. I'm not a professional player though so I WILL be making some mistakes. Please criticize my guides in the most constructive but honest way possible. Thanks!
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