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26 Votes

Long Live The Queen

March 2, 2013 by MR_1747
Comments: 9    |    Views: 256622    |   

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MaZAKre | November 6, 2013 5:28pm
great guide you deserve +1
MR_1747 (2) | March 5, 2013 12:43am
BAAEEMM wrote:

What do you guys think about going a casual Void Stone into Aghs and then finish up your Sheepstick. Especially when I'm getting a lot of gold early on, this has been working for me quite well because it fixes your mana problems you would otherwise have due to going Aghs first.

It definitely could be done. If you went into casual Void Stone before Aghanim it only provides that mana regeneration whereas if you go straight for the Aghanim by purchasing Point Booster first, it adds some HP and mana pool thus more survivability. I could say it's personal preference and very situational.
BAAEEMM | March 4, 2013 6:57am
What do you guys think about going a casual Void Stone into Aghs and then finish up your Sheepstick. Especially when I'm getting a lot of gold early on, this has been working for me quite well because it fixes your mana problems you would otherwise have due to going Aghs first.
MR_1747 (2) | March 2, 2013 3:37am
drakon136 wrote:

Damn good guide. +1 from me.

One little error though. For Bloodstone:
In my opinion, you can go for Bloodstone if you build Arcane Boots in the early game which you can disassembled later on to get the Point Booster.
The bolded portion should be Energy Booster.

Fixed. Thank you so much.

By the way to all the readers, if there is any good VOD of pro players playing on pubs feel free to share the video link here so that I can add some more material for the future. Thanks a bunch.
drakon136 (3) | March 1, 2013 1:42pm
Damn good guide. +1 from me.

One little error though. For Bloodstone:
In my opinion, you can go for Bloodstone if you build Arcane Boots in the early game which you can disassembled later on to get the Point Booster.
The bolded portion should be Energy Booster.
MR_1747 (2) | February 28, 2013 8:58pm

Good job, I was really hoping to see a good item and skill build for Queen of Pain: you've also put a lot of effort into the written part of the guide!

The only thing I could argue about is the Sonic Wave at level 7: you can call this personal preference, but I prefer to take it at 6 and some competitive players have been doing so too, recently.

Nonetheless, you surely deserve a +1.

EDIT - I found some minor "errors" between the mid game items: you put Boots of Speed where there should be Power Treads, you should fix it.

I made some mistake. The Sonic Wave is skilled up at level 8 (the build that I usually do), not level 7 LOL. You're right about personal preference plus taking the Sonic Wave at level 6. I've taken a look into the most recent Queen of Pain competitive play and they prefer to take it earlier than usual now. Thanks for pointing that out.

Minor error fixed now.
strobeLit3 | February 28, 2013 5:48pm

Good job, I was really hoping to see a good item and skill build for Queen of Pain: you've also put a lot of effort into the written part of the guide!

The only thing I could argue about is the Sonic Wave at level 7: you can call this personal preference, but I prefer to take it at 6 and some competitive players have been doing so too, recently.

Nonetheless, you surely deserve a +1.

EDIT - I found some minor "errors" between the mid game items: you put Boots of Speed where there should be Power Treads, you should fix it.

I agree with everything +the sonic wave, I feel like especially for pubs where no matter how much pinging and talking you do cooperation isn't guaranteed, the extra nuke at level 6 is much more useful, especially when the other team has many squishy heroes like Drow and Sniper.

Overall I like all the item choices, the orchid build is my personal favorite in pubs, unless BKB is needed due to a lot of disable/silence.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 28, 2013 1:08pm
Good job, I was really hoping to see a good item and skill build for Queen of Pain: you've also put a lot of effort into the written part of the guide!

The only thing I could argue about is the Sonic Wave at level 7: you can call this personal preference, but I prefer to take it at 6 and some competitive players have been doing so too, recently.

Nonetheless, you surely deserve a +1.

EDIT - I found some minor "errors" between the mid game items: you put Boots of Speed where there should be Power Treads, you should fix it.
xCO2 (72) | February 28, 2013 11:41am
I don't think there's much to say other then a Void Stone may want to be picked up over the Ring of Health. Other then that, looks tip top.

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