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5 Votes

Lonewaft's guide to Shadow Shaman

February 27, 2013 by kurtthecobain
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Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 7, 2013 1:35pm
I strongly disagree with all of the starting item builds listed.

Courior +1
Gauntlet... okay if you are building a drum or intend to stack bracers
Mantel... okay I guess you could go make a dagon...

Single Tango on every build.

Now, you look at me like "well stats early game are king"

Thing is. Mantle + Gauntlet = 300 gold
x3 ironwood branch = 159

If you have space in your inventory, and you aren't building anything with your early stats, get GG branches. Period. No questions asked. You can turn then into a wand later. Every character can turn them into a wand later.
kurtthecobain | February 27, 2013 6:40am
Allegiance wrote:

You should add Blink Dagger to items. IMO its more or less the most useful item on Rhasta.
Blink onto an enemy and hex him before he can escape or get off BKB

Well Blink Dagger is less utility than force staff because it doesnt give you extra regen or int, but I see what you mean. I'll add it on.
iamjsw | February 27, 2013 5:08am
Good guide! +1 from me, although imo i like to max shock by 7 with just one lvl of hex and shackle.
Allegiance (9) | February 26, 2013 11:51pm
You should add Blink Dagger to items. IMO its more or less the most useful item on Rhasta.
Blink onto an enemy and hex him before he can escape or get off BKB
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