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2 Votes

Lone Druid - Sylla and His Bear

June 4, 2014 by kkoopman3
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Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | June 4, 2014 3:22pm
Hmm pretty bad build, Druid is usually played as a tanky support while the bear is the one you wanna put raw damage items and auras as well as AS boosting items to proc entangle.

Later on you wanna use the farm advantage to turn druid into a carry.

1st get radiance/maelstrom/armlet/midas on bear and tranquils for yourself and treads for the bear.

Then proceed for an assault/vladimir/mjollnir on bear and hood/bkb on druid.

For skill build max bear followed by synergy and rabid taking true form at standard .
kkoopman3 (28) | June 4, 2014 3:02pm
FascesNewbie wrote:

bad bad....

Might I have a reason why?
FascesNewbie | June 4, 2014 2:58pm
bad bad....
kkoopman3 (28) | June 4, 2014 2:54pm
I chose Oblivion Staff based on the other effects it has. The intelligence is pretty significant compared to other items, althoguh that doesn't matter much. However, the mana regeneration, although not altogether necessary, will make Rabid much more effective. Also, the reason I chose an early point in Rabid was in the case of an early enemy gank. Rabid tends to discourage attacks from the enemy and is thusly a good initial investment in my opinion.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 4, 2014 2:39pm
Are you suggesting to give the damage items to the Druid and the auras/defensive ones to the Bear? You should actually do the opposite, as you can send the Bear in the frontlines without worrying abut him being killed (if you have a resummon), has more HP and many unexperienced players won't even focus him. Also, instead of the Oblivion Staff, I'd personally take a Maelstrom which gives more damage for a decent price.

As for the skill build, it looks pretty "random": usually, you want to max a skill first, then another one second and another one last; putting spare points in all of them isn't efficient most of the time. So, I usually max out Summon Spirit Bear by level 7 and Synergy by level 9, but feel free to change your skill build according to what you think it's best (like, an early point in Rabid if you want to).
kkoopman3 (28) | June 4, 2014 2:23pm
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