How to play
Depending on the game you go off-lane till lvl 5 then switch to jungle thats the optimal starting, but if you are playing with a team of all carries, just go jungle, its slower but gets the job done. Once you get boots for you and phase boots for bear, you go radiance, this will increase your farm immensely. optimal time would be 20 min, but 30 tops. If you cant it get by 30 minutes just go maelstrom, and farm up for ags. Once you get Ags you leave your character in the jungle to farm, and use you bear to farm lanes, if an enemy gets to close to bear Don't be afraid to use his tp back to you. After you get abyssal blade you should be able to get kills. Use boots to split push, let your team distract them, don't get overally aggressive. Depending on the team, the game should last a long time, that's good for you.
early mid game, you can get kills (lvl 5-8 easy kills)
mid game play really safe work for radiance (9-radiance)
late game go for kills and split push(ags onward)
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