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Lion support guide for pub [by mat.]

November 27, 2015 by mat.
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Phalanx300 | March 21, 2015 4:05pm
Lion with Arcane Boots isn't that weird, I believe Lion has trouble pulling of a full combo at leve 11+ because of Finger cost drastically going up. So if you plan to go mana expensive items such as Mekanism its a viable option.
mat. | March 20, 2015 1:19pm
hi Rock, thanks for comment,

I do agree with You at some points, but again I get into never ending story of first level skill, this is why I go for Earth spike:

1. it will help lion farm - deals damage
2. can stunt multiple opponents
3. I want to have mana drain as second - that means spike would be only 3rd
4. helps abuse opponents in lane
5. can finish off low hp opponent in longer distance
6. 94.7 percent of all players go for earth spike at lvl1.

If you are have high skill and good team communication of course hex can secure u first blood like nothing else. (I just think this is not most of the pub cases)

Your idea of Arcane boots for teamsupport quite interested me. I thought little bit about it, mostly it would serve in mid game, first negative was its too expensive, and you really need tranquil too, I would just use a bottle to support lane mate. Only good use it would have if team sticks together a lot in midgame, in a late game all team would have sufficient mana regen. Mana is always needed its just lion would look weird with arcaneboots ;-) but we shouldn't care, if its useful and needed go for it.

thanks again.
Rock and Roll | March 20, 2015 3:39am
even im not a pro, but im agree with smuggels.
before i read this, i have play lion as support.

for lv.1 hex is better than stun, in all situation.

the boot. (tranquil / arcane to support team's mana)

the initiator + escaper. (blink dagger / shadow blade / forcestf to support team)
lion is the low def hero, he can die in a second before lion spelling any skill.
when u have good team play, the opponent will think that the support (lion / cm) is the most danger things as disabler. then they'll plan to disable the dissabler right at the war open or even when lion appear.
and u can mana drain after stun, cz u dont have enough total mana.
blink > stun > mana drain > hex > finger > cover ur team

third (situational)
mekans / aghanim / bloodstone.
when lion have more gold maybe from assist, i choose bloodstone, cause the respawn time.

sorry my bad english.
ChiChi (47) | March 16, 2015 1:16pm
***as, I wasn't trying to be salty at all either, just joking (because of Smugs's guides I actually upvoted earlier). Sorry if the jokes (or the multiposts?!) unintentionally offended.

Best not to engage nobody's opinion on Dota stuff unless we like messy discussions, han? o.O

(KoDyAbAbA, thanks anyway for explaining Smugs's way of thinking, altough both of us could already understand his point of view - playing with a party, for instance, the hex would be the number one choice, indeed, and so on)

Pub is literally all that mat said lol and because of that, most of the times if we don't bother to pick a support nobody's gonna do that for us and we literally end up with zero courier and wards. So go support Lion, go! :D
Phalanx300 | March 15, 2015 11:58am
Lion is my most played hero and I think you made some questionable choices in both item build and skill build. Generally you want to max your Q, always. You instead have it maxed at level 9 instead of level 7 which may seem small but you're really missing out on some damage. Hex always at level 1, its just a extremely strong spell which others have to pay 5000 gold for. No justification not to take it really. As for items always Blink, Aghs can go after Blink but blink Dagger is absolute core. Basicly if Lion has his Tranquil Boots and Blink Dagger he's pretty much fully slotted, after that just takes what you feel is needed which more often then not be a Ghost Scepter.
Unscathed (47) | March 15, 2015 10:02am
you'd be surprised of how 'fun' blink+lion be.

also, by your definition of 'pub', then why bother playing support? why not play core lion? why not play him mid?
mat. | March 15, 2015 9:02am
there's nothing to argue about, there was no sarcasm in my post, I like to watch pro players, I play only for fun and because of that there is a mark [PUB] in headline of guide. Please be aware pub with 5 strangers is literally a dota2 kindergarten. Please try to be nice to people.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 15, 2015 12:24am
you are pretty salty aren't ya?

in the end, it all comes down to preference.

I shall now explain the smuggels side of the argument.

Smugs and his team have a pretty aggressive playstyle, they almost never pick carries and rely on
early game rape for a lead.Hex is almost always better than stun at level 1 if trying for a kill because of its superior duration, which, when combined with its instant cast time, makes it a very dangerous disable which is very difficult to stop.
mat. | March 14, 2015 8:59pm
Hex lvl 1 is for Pro players, Smuggels might be a bit pro, I dont know,
enjoy weekend folks, go outdoors for some hiking and don't forget to pack some Tangos
Smuggels (82) | March 14, 2015 12:07pm
ChiChi wrote:

Smuggels, aren't you the one with the guide called "The Situational Builds"? lol not very coherent, are you?

And actually is 1.02 stun on 2 against 2.5 hex on one - I like the stun best because its more defensive. Shouldn't never say always ;P

well i would explain why hex is best in ALL "situations" at level 1 but i feel you wouldnt understand because i wont be "coherent" enough for you.

Unscathed (47) | March 13, 2015 4:53pm
the multiposts are becoming unbearable
ChiChi (47) | March 13, 2015 4:21pm
Smuggels, aren't you the one with the guide called "The Situational Builds"? lol not very coherent, are you?

And actually is 1.02 stun on 2 against 2.5 hex on one - I like the stun best because its more defensive. Shouldn't never say always ;P
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