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Hokay so first off Lion is a hard support; don't run around stealing farm from the carry like an ***. Your job is to help out your team and CC everyone that dares try to touch your carry (or whoever else in in your lane). Once the team fight starts going you're going to want to use your spells on high priority targets such as enemy carry or a support with a huge ult (i.e. Crystal Maiden and Witch Doctor). Feel free to use your ult on the carry or support at the start of the fight and try not to killsteal with it if possible. Between team fights either find some farm in a lane as long as its not dangerous (i.e. by a tower or on your side of the map). You can also form a gank squad with your team and try to find some pick offs before the next fight. If you manage to find someone it can usually turn into taking an objective or at the very least putting some damage on a tower. In order to effectively gank you should have wards up (I will get to this later).
TL;DR - focus on keeping your carry safe and secure his farm. Pull when needed and harass when able; don't just stand around doing nothing. When there is no fighting get some allies and gank or try to find farm on the map. Overall Lion isn't too complicated of a hero and can have huge impact.
Your starting should be what's listed. If someone buys a courier and/or wards before you skip it and move on. While in the laning phase at the start make sure you're stacking camps to either pull or give your carry some farm later in the game. If you're pulling only do it once your creeps are around the river; if you pull when they're too close to the tower it makes it harder for your carry to CS. Once you pull make sure you don't auto attack the creeps but try to get the last hits to secure a little farm for yourself. If you didn't stack you can do a pull through which is:
Radiant: eat a tree above the camp. When the east camp has ~400 life total hit the medium camp directly above the easy camp and pull them down. It takes a little practice but it isn't to difficult.
Dire: When the camp is ~400 life hit the hard camp to the left and bring them to the easy camp. This camp is harder to pull than the radiant so it might take a little more practice.
Work toward Tranquil Boots then get a staff of wizardy (important item since it can build into either Force Staff or Euls)
Odd's are you'll never afford end game items unless that's all you go for. Aghs makes your ult have a low cooldown and gives it a small aoe as well. Scythe of Vyse is another hex and having two hexes is good!
Just remember a Lion with a 40min aghs isn't nearly as good as a Lion with 2-3 good support items.
This link: Ward Link show's the best areas to ward. The general idea is if you're playing defensibly/behind you ward your side of the map to enable your carry to farm safely. If you're winning or playing aggressive ward the enemies side of the map, especially their jungle (and if against radiant their ancients). This allows you to see what the enemy is doing and make for some easy pick offs.
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