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Really it depends on your role, and both your team and the enemy team composition. If you need to initiate ganks then you should be getting reasonable farm/levels early and get hold of a
Another thing that was forgotten within this guide is the fact that
The rest of the guide (including the
It's another way of playing him, and applicable up a reasonably high level. Horses for courses.
Also, spamming stuns isn't usually something that happens. Chain stuning yes, but that is only once per teamfight or gank or whatever. You don't have to have the mana to chainstun in every second of the game, just in the ones that count.
Bear in mind that the channelling time for
Not saying you shouldn't get mana drain if you really like it... just saying the points are more effectively spend early getting your stuns up to full duration.
I would rather be getting last hits and killing enemies (or dual disabling them for my teammates to do so) at the cost that I buy arcane boots over tranquils. The time I should spend standing around doing nothing to restore my mana... I might as well have gone to the fountain.
Not saying mana drain is bad... but any time lion has ever been picked up in a pro level game, stats are taken over mana drain... literally all game. Hell, a few weeks ago lion was picked up in a pro match and the skill build was 4 impale, 3 hex, 3 finger, and stats.
That said, Pubs are not pro matches and therefore don't last only 30-40 minutes each time and you can afford to stand around for a few seconds to get your mana up.
Absolutely flawless good job +1